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How to VR with babies on board


VR has always been a perfect activity for families and has been shown to increase family bonds and create lasting memories. It’s no wonder that many RVing parents like to introduce the world of RVing to their little ones right from the start. Doing anything with babies requires preparation and patience, even more so when bringing a baby on a motorhome trip. Here are some of our tips on baby VR, along with some tips for testing your rig before your adventure.

What You Need To Know About RVing With Babies On Board

Exceptional care must be taken when securing a child while riding in any vehicle and babies need even more care while riding in an RV. If you’re using a towable, you probably won’t need to change your car seat options in the tow vehicle, but you do need to be careful when traveling with your child in a motorhome. Follow all the rules that you would follow when securing a child in an RV seat. Follow these guidelines when securing a child seat in a motorhome:

  • Make sure the car seat is made for the place it is attached to.
  • The car seat is never in the front seat of your motorhome.
  • Never place the car seat on a side seat.
  • Make sure there are no loose objects that could harm your child in their seat.
  • Make sure the seat is bolted to the chassis and not to the interior of the RV
  • You may need to invest in a different set of cars for your motorhome, so check the manufacturer’s guidelines and your car seat safety restrictions for more details.

Babyproofing an RV

RVs are small enough without having a daycare on board, but you need to find a safe area where your baby can sleep and explore when he joins you on your RV adventures. Fortunately, parents often give children more space than necessary, and many RV cabins will be large enough to accommodate an infant or toddler.

You need to find a crib that is suitable for the interior of your RV, and fortunately there are portable cribs designed for families on the go. Check the measurements and dimensions for your crib space in the RV to make sure it will fit. Consider installing a softer mat in your RV for when your baby begins to crawl and walk. Block off areas you don’t want your baby to enter, like the back room of a toy truck.

When you think about it, many RVs are already prepared for the road. Items, drawers, and folds need to be secure while traveling, which is why they often come with safety latches, soft sides, and other features that are parallel baby-proof. Take a full walk around the RV cabin to identify dangerous areas, especially if the child is already walking and curious. Fill in the gaps with traditional baby testing methods when necessary.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst

We always encourage careful preparation when planning an RV trip and bringing a baby takes it to a whole new level. Make a specific list of everything your baby might need, including bottles, diapers, formulas, sheets, and more. It’s also helpful to detail your exact route and include nearby pediatricians and hospitals in case something goes wrong. It may not even be a bad idea to bring your current pediatrician’s information, as well as any pertinent medical information in case someone needs quick access to them.

Pro Tip: Try to travel familiar routes instead of back roads. The chances that you will need to stop for any number of reasons increase when traveling with an RV with infants and children.

The motorhome trip with a baby will generally add a lot of time to your trip. Plan this. A two-hour trip could take three to four hours, or a half-day trip could take an entire day. If you expect this, you will be better prepared for delays with your travel plans. Flexibility is the key to traveling with children in general, regardless of their age.

Pros of RVing with Babies

  • Motorhome travel is a more affordable option for families looking to travel and see North America year-round.
  • RVing is a great way to create lasting memories, even if your kids don’t remember them. There are always photos.
  • If you have family members across the country, visiting them and taking breaks during long trips is much easier and cheaper. Also, spend more time with your little one.
  • The greatest VR professional with a baby is experience. RVing, especially for younger travelers, has opened up a world of adventure and possibilities. Traveling in a motorhome with babies has never been easier, and once you make sure you know what you are getting into, it is even possible to travel in a motorhome full time with a newborn or an older child no matter the destination.

Cons of RVing with Babies

  • You may need to invest in a larger RV if your current model is too small to accommodate a new child and everything that comes with it.
  • If you need some alone time on your travels, you may not get it. Finding a babysitter or someone you can trust to care for your baby is easier said than done.
  • If your baby gets sick, you will need to visit an emergency room, which can be expensive depending on the problem. Make sure you have verified how your insurance works out of state and while traveling to ensure you have adequate coverage.
  • The biggest downside to RVing with a baby is the costs involved in preparing your RV for your adventures. This could mean anything from investing in a larger RV model to updating the interior to accommodate a child. RV space is limited, so adding a crib, storing a stroller, or even having enough space for diapers, formula, and more can be a challenge.
  • Take the time to do a thorough inventory of the space in your RV and see what it can and cannot accommodate. From there, it’s a matter of deciding whether a larger RV is worth buying or whether you can make changes to the interior of your rig to make life on the road more comfortable for you and your child.

RV with babies requires care, patience, and a lot of planning. If you plan, there is no reason why a baby needs to stay home while enjoying the open road. Using VR forums and talking to other VR parents is a great way to get helpful tips and advice so you and your baby can have a great trip.



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