Home Living I have sensitive teeth during pregnancy: how to relieve this unpleasant discomfort

I have sensitive teeth during pregnancy: how to relieve this unpleasant discomfort


During pregnancy it is important to pay more attention to the care of teeth and gums, since the bacterial flora is modified by the action of pregnancy hormones, increasing the risk of oral problems. Among the most common at this stage are inflamed gums, gingivitis, cavities and increased tooth sensitivity.

We tell you why teeth become more sensitive during pregnancy and what we can do to alleviate this discomfort, especially unpleasant in summer.

Why does tooth sensitivity increase in pregnancy?

Tooth sensitivity is characterized by a painful response of the dentin (the ivory layer that covers the inside of the tooth) to certain normal thermal, chemical or tactile stimuli. It is an uncomfortable and unpleasant sensation that is often described as a shiver that runs through the tooth.

Dental sensitivity is a problem that affects a good percentage of the population, and that can increase during pregnancy due mainly to the increase in blood volume, the effect of hormones and the action of acids in the mouth (the composition of the saliva changes in pregnancy, becoming more acidic) that erode enamel.

Gum disease is another of the most common causes of dental hypersensitivity. This condition, which involves inflammation and bleeding of the gums, can also make the teeth more sensitive.

Other causes of increased tooth sensitivity would be the wear of the enamel due to excessive or inadequate brushing, cavities, gingival recession or cracked or damaged teeth (for example, as a result of bruxism).

What to do if I notice my teeth are more sensitive?

According to the American Pregnancy Association (APA), dental and gum sensitivity disappears in most cases after pregnancy.

But in the meantime, it is important to follow proper hygiene habits , not only to counteract discomfort, but also because poor oral health could affect the development of the pregnancy:

Brush your teeth properly and after every meal

Correct brushing is essential for a healthy mouth and complete oral hygiene. Do it after each meal , cleaning around the teeth gently (without squeezing). Also use dental floss to clean those areas where the brush cannot reach, and a mouthwash.

Choose a soft bristle brush

In order not to wear down or damage the tooth enamel , use a brush with soft bristles, which allows you to clean your teeth gently and without irritating the gums.

take care of your diet

During pregnancy it is essential to take care of your diet and incorporate foods that are great allies of oral health.

Thus, for example, milk and dairy products, broccoli, chard or almonds, among other foods, are an excellent source of calcium and proteins from meat, fish and legumes help defend against infections.

We must avoid those foods that can cause acidity or heartburn, as well as very cold or very hot foods that increase dental sensitivity.

During the holidays, a deep-rooted custom that harms oral health is snacking between meals . But experts warn that eating all day keeps the acidity low, and when the pH of the mouth drops to 5.5, the risk of cavities increases. Therefore, in summer especially we must control a lot what we eat.

Limit the consumption of sweets and sugary drinks

In general, sweets and sugary drinks should always be avoided, but especially during pregnancy and when there is oral discomfort, as sugar increases the risk of cavities.

Carbonated beverages also have acids that can wear down tooth enamel. To hydrate, the best is undoubtedly water, as it is a natural drink with a neutral PH, with important health benefits during pregnancy (and at any stage of life).

Consultation with the dentist

If the symptoms of hypersensitivity continue or worsen, you should immediately consult your dentist. Ignoring the problem could have consequences that harm your oral health and even affect your pregnancy.

If you are undergoing orthodontic treatment compatible with your pregnancy, it is important to take extreme hygiene and care measures for your mouth , and consult your dentist for any changes or discomfort you experience.



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