Home Entertainment Games I never had a Game Boy Camera, but now I have been...

I never had a Game Boy Camera, but now I have been able to close that wound with the Instax Mini and its application for Nintendo Switch


Despite not having parents with a broken hand who bought me everything I asked for, the truth is that my childhood memory could be summed up as “ you can’t complain ”. But if there is a thorn in the tooth from that time, it is not having had these three tricks related to the photography of the time: Taz’s Polaroid, the Game Boy Camera and the Game Boy Printer .

My love of photography comes from afar, as you can see, but for some reason I was jumping from one device to another and I never considered covering that gap from when I was a child. Today, with the help of the Instax Mini and its application for Switch , the circle has finally been closed.

How Instax Mini Works

Although the Fujifilm portable printer has been on sale for some time, coinciding with the launch of New Pokémon Snap, today the new Instax Mini Link application, a new version of the application, arrives on the iOS App Store and the Android Google Play Store. designed with Nintendo characters in mind.

The system, which previously allowed the sharing of screenshots between the console and the printer via smartphone, uses the QR codes that appear when sending screenshots to a smart device from the Nintendo console. With the first QR, the connection is established and, with the second, all the captures that you have selected are transferred to the mobile application.

From there, either with the captures or with the photos from your phone, you can retouch the images, add text to them or use one of the many frames of the application itself or the new ones from Nintendo focused on Super Mario, Animal Crossing or the aforementioned game photo of Pokémon .

Once you have left it to your liking, you simply have to print it by launching the image with your finger or pressing the corresponding button to, in just over 10 seconds , have the image in your hands waiting to be placed on the fridge, stuck in a folder or keeping it where you please.

Other types of photographs

Beyond the curiosity of the system and the illusion of the smallest of the house when printing the first photographs, it is necessary to highlight several key points that are worth taking into account.

The first of these is that instant cameras and printers are an expensive vice . Although using them and taking advantage of them is within the reach of anyone, packs of instant photographs are usually more expensive than those of conventional cameras (they are around 15 euros for the pack of 20 photographs and about 40 euros in the case of the pack of 50) .

Also, accustomed to the crisp definition of our backlit 4K displays with poplar hundred million colors, the resolution and sharpness of these photos lag far behind. Very good at mid-range, but paling more and more as you get closer to them.

In any case, it is one of those additions that are very much enjoyed on special occasions, and not necessarily with children involved. With an Instax Mini , on my 30th birthday my wife threw me a surprise party with a photocall in which to take photos with all the guests. Small images that were later included in a signature book that they had bought for the occasion.

They are curiosities that you do not use daily but they are perfect for occasions like this – it was also a fable at our wedding – or using it as a decorative tool in ideas worthy of the best Pinterest (for example, a world map full of pins and small photographs of the places where you have been).

  • Analysis
  • Nintendo switch
  • Nintendo
  • Fujifilm



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