Home Economy Investing "If it's not your passion, you can't start a business": Diana Burillo

"If it's not your passion, you can't start a business": Diana Burillo


The founder of HandMade Beauty, a pioneer in eco-conscious beauty, is the guest of the podcast Aprender de los Líderes, with Ricardo De La Blanca.

Even though in the midst of the pandemic Diana Burillo does not even know if her stores will reopen, she talks optimistically about the future in this episode of Aprender de los Líderes, Ricardo De La Blanca’s podcast for El Espectador with business leaders who precisely count their life stories as an example for difficult moments like those that humanity lives in these times.

Burillo, born in Mexico and heir to a family of entrepreneurs, recognizes her great-grandfather Emilio Azcárraga as a great guide, of whom not only highlights his business acumen but particularly his legacy of helping others and giving away money. “I could have been an insensitive person for the people I grew up with, but my family is not like that,” says Diana.

Faced with the uncertainty of the pandemic, he insists that we must look forward. “We can change our realities depending on how we think. You don’t have to fear failure, ”he says.

And it is that those stores, whose future today knows uncertain, the same way they looked when eight years ago he decided to set up them in Madrid for a market that seemed impossible, that of beauty and with an ecological conscience. “They told me I was crazy when I was talking about my project,” she remembers today.

The ambitious goals and not stopping in search of reaching them is considered essential. “Ambition and abundance are seen as negative, but no, they are positive,” he says. Of course, he warns, if it is done for pleasure and to multiply well-being and not for money or greed.

“If it’s not your passion, you can’t start a business,” says Burillo, for whom any job in which you feel happy is dignifying. She says so, whose first income at age 15 came from doing acrylic nails at a Walgreens in New Orleans.

His advice for the pandemic: “Now, more than ever, self-discipline is important”

Listen here to Diana Burillo’s talk with Ricardo De La Blanca:



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