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Impulsiveness can be regulated


A study led by the Institute of Neurosciences of Alicante and published in theBritish Journal of Pharmacologyreveal howmanipulation of the endocannabinoid system serves to modulate excess impulsivity.

The endogenous cannabinoid system has two receptors,CB1 YCB2, and regulates many aspects of embryonic development, in addition to physiological functions such as immunity, inflammation, energy balance, food intake, cardiovascular regulation, reproduction, etc. Furthermore, a study published in 2005 inScience showed that CB2 is found in the brain under normal conditions, and since then many authors have linked it to the regulation of emotional behavior and cognitive functions.

In the new work, echoed by the SINC agency, he evaluated theactions of two cannabinoid drugs that act by stimulating or blocking CB2in a mouse strain showing a high degree of impulsivity. The scientists then analyzed whether these drugs were capable of modulating impulsive behavior and the brain modifications associated with this change in behavior. The authors concluded that modulation of CB2 receptor activity was able to reduce impulsive-type behavior in the mice, and that CB2 gene expression levels tended to normalize towards the values of the low-impulsive strain.

The same Spanish group of researchers has previously made important contributions on the involvement of the CB2 receptor inregulating anxiety and depression. In addition, other studies have shown how its functional alteration is associated with a greater vulnerability towards depressive or high anxiety behaviors, as well as with the abuse of certain drugs.

Impulsivity is a normal behavior that allows humans to adapt to their environment in certain circumstances that require an immediate reaction. However, this type of behavior can provoke a disproportionate response and lead to a pathological state. There are a multitude of psychiatric illnesses characterized by a high level of impulsivity, such as substance abuse disorders or schizophrenia.




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