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Is cannabis legal in Spain?


Disclaimer: The author of this article does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy of this page, particularly with the possible future implementation of the ‘Citizen Security Law’. My advice to visitors from any country is to be very careful with the use and possession of drugs. There are many great drinks in Spain , so why not refrain from other drugs while in Spain?

Some background

If you wonder if cannabis is legal in Spain, the answer is yes and no. The truth is that the legal situation of cannabis in Spain is a bit more complicated than in other countries.

Add in the fact that changes to the current law are constantly in motion, and things get even more confusing. In October 2018, the far-left political party Podemos introduced measures that would fully legalize cannabis throughout Spain.

But even if Podemos’s plan succeeds, the changes won’t be implemented for a long time. For now, let’s focus on the current legality of cannabis in Spain.

Current legal situation of cannabis in Spain

First of all, cannabis trafficking is illegal in Spain. Selling the drug can lead to one to three years in jail, as well as a fine, with stiffer penalties for those who sell higher amounts of the drug, as well as former offenders.

That said, it is legal in Spain to grow or smoke cannabis for your own personal use. As long as you are using the drug in the privacy of your own home or other private property, you are not doing anything illegal. It is also legal to buy and sell paraphernalia, such as seeds and other hemp products. However, if you are growing cannabis on private property, it cannot be in public view.

You’ll also find people smoking in cannabis clubs, which have sprung up across the country as a result of the 2015 law decriminalizing marijuana in private spaces. Today, there are an estimated 700 cannabis clubs throughout Spain, and they come in different forms.

Some cannabis clubs are primarily recreational, while others provide support for those who use the drug for medical reasons and even have doctors available on site. They all charge a fee for membership, but there is an additional catch: Members of these clubs must be 21 or older, and only Spanish citizens are allowed. So unless you have that burgundy and gold Kingdom of Spain passport, you will have to steer clear.

However, let’s do a 180. It is illegal in Spain to smoke cannabis in public places. That means being on the street, in a park, on public transportation, or even in your own car if it’s parked on public property. If you get caught, the fine will cost you 300 euros.

Important reminders

There you have it: the complicated legal situation of cannabis in Spain. However, it is important to bear in mind that, as in any part of the world, the interpretation of “personal use” here in Spain is open to debate. If a police officer dislikes a group of loud foreigners, they might use whatever drugs they find on his person as an excuse to cause him trouble.

With that in mind, your safest bet would be to avoid using cannabis in Spain. However, if you want to get involved, be very careful and be careful not to upset the local community so that the police don’t stop you and search you.

That said, cannabis is often sold openly on the streets, especially in cities like Barcelona and Granada. You can even see people smoking cannabis outside of bars without anyone raising an eyebrow. However, keep in mind that this is technically illegal, so it may not be the best idea to join. Better to stay safe. After all, no one wants to get into legal trouble in a foreign country.

Finally, be sure to remember that Spain’s cannabis laws are more relaxed than those of France and Gibraltar, so don’t try to carry the drug across the border. In Portugal, the use of cannabis (and all drugs) is decriminalized, but not legal.

See also:

  • Is prostitution legal in Spain?
  • Is nudism legal in Spain?



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