Home Fun Nature & Animal Is zoophilia legal in Spain?

Is zoophilia legal in Spain?


What is zoophilia?

Zoophilia is a paraphilia, it is carried out by people with low self-esteem , it consists of human sexual relations with animals , obviously, without the consent of the latter . We are facing the most cruel abuse and exploitation.

Although it always seemed to be a practice more typical of the rural world , the followers who show interest in the web pages that offer this type of publication leave no doubt about its success. Of course, all in a very discreet way because it is frowned upon in our society.

However, being so aberrant to think about having sex with animals, zoophilia is not classified as a mental disorder .

What consequences do animals suffer?

The injuries, although they are not serious on a physical level, psychologically they are very important and affect the mood and mental state of the animal causing serious psychological consequences , some animals can die from the stress they suffer, we have to take into account that they are subjected to to that abuse on a regular basis .

They suffer anal and vaginal tears , some of them needing to be surgically intervened. It is important that veterinary centers that detect sexual abuse injuries in an animal proceed to report it to the police . On many occasions it is the only thing that can save the animal from that horror .

A difficult crime to detect and prosecute

Bestiality is a “silent” abuse that is rarely reported by neighbors or people close to the abuser and is a crime very unknown to the police forces. On many occasions an intervention is difficult when an animal is severely beaten inside the house, all because it is private property , more complicated is requiring the presence of a patrol because at our neighbor’s house we hear strange and suspicious noises compatible with this practice .

Sometimes there is luck and it is possible to demonstrate an act of bestiality . Remember the case of Alcudia where, thanks to security cameras on a farm, the sexual assaults on a mare and a filly were recorded . The owners had observed changes in the behavior of the animals and had observed lesions on the genitalia. The person responsible for such a despicable act was arrested by the Civil Guard and brought to justice .

zoophilia on the internet

It is easy to find web pages and contact spaces with zoophilic content in our country, something contradictory as it is a crime of animal abuse , with penalties of up to one year in prison . The first thing that comes to mind is if it is prohibited, why are they allowed? Surely the website is located in a country where it is allowed or simply because no one reports it .

It is necessary to regulate the traffic of advertisements on the Internet, where animals are offered for these sexual practices. It must be a very specific regulation , there is currently a legal vacuum in this regard. Faced with such perversion , which does a lot of damage to animals , we should not look the other way “.

These are the countries where zoophilia is legal

In Canada , they surprised half the world by determining, the Supreme Court , that it is not a crime to have sex with animals, clarifying that as long as there is no penetration .

In the United States , in 16 states it is not considered a crime to have sexual relations with animals. Moreover, there is sex tourism in farms with all kinds of animals .

Denmark is another country that allows zoophilia, which is why many “clients” from Norway, Germany, Holland or Sweden move to the country wanting to have sex with animals.

In Asia it is common to see how female orangutans are prostituted in brothels , waxed and painted lips . Something disgusting and worthy of sick minds.

Experts should study this type of act, sexuality is free as long as both parties agree . In the case of animals, it is both physical and psychological abuse and mistreatment and should be prosecuted and punished. Today’s society despises and rejects zoophilia, however, in these countries the perverse desire of these people prevails over the well-being of animals that suffer for many years and cause serious consequences.

Risk for people who practice zoophilia

People who practice zoophilia can suffer serious health problems , they are not aware of the danger they are exposed to. Exposure to the secretions and mucous membranes of animals can lead to serious infections . A Brazilian study determined that it can cause cancer of the penis , and can lead to death. The occultism of this practice leads these people not to ask for help .







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