Home News Massive floods in Italy: several people die

Massive floods in Italy: several people die


Created: 09/16/2022, 11:00 a.m

Firefighters Senigallia push a rubber dinghy through a flooded street to rescue people from homes. © Vigili del Fuoco/dpa

Severe flooding hit the Marche region of Italy. The province of Ancona is particularly affected. Seven people died.

Ancona – Heavy, prolonged rainfall is currently causing chaos in Italy. The city of Ancona in the Marche region is particularly affected. The number of victims who lost their lives as a result of the floods is currently seven. In addition, other people are missing in the region, including a child, as reported by the Ansa news agency. The provincial government of Ancona attributes the flooding to the persistent rains.

According to the news portal Anconatoday , 420 millimeters of rain fell in about three hours. This is half the amount of precipitation that normally falls in the region in an entire year. Collapsed bridges are also reported in other communities in the region, cars were hidden under mud and rubble.

Marche region
capital city ancona
resident 1,485,960 (as of March 2022)
Region President Francesco Acquaroli (Fratelli d’Italia)

Massive floods in Italy – residents are staying in their homes

The administration of the city of Senigallia on the Adriatic coast has meanwhile asked the residents to stay in their houses and stay on the upper floors, reports Anconatoday . According to the portal, dozens of people in the affected area were cut off from the power supply and the telephone connections were interrupted. The President of the Marche, Francesco Acquaroli, wrote on Facebook that the “very serious meteorological crisis” in the region is a cause for great concern.

More serious weather phenomena are occurring in Italy. This summer, many regions suffered from a lack of rainfall, resulting in a severe drought. (nki/dpa)



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