Home Fun Mythological animals: which is the most powerful and their names

Mythological animals: which is the most powerful and their names


In the tradition of different civilizations there are stories that refer to myths and legends of creatures that are granted magical powers. Many of them have a strange appearance since they are formed, for the most part, by the union of different species. Below we have selected some mythological animals that have been forgotten over time, but that are worth knowing.


The catoblepon is an animal that appears in the mythological accounts of the first tribes that inhabited modern Ethiopia . It is described as a creature with a very similar appearance to that of a cow, but with thick fur and horns. The myth says that this animal lived in the swamps and could end the life of an adult simply with its breath.


The aqrabuamelu was the guardian of the sun god, Shamash, in Ancient Mesopotamia . It is said that his head touched the sky and whoever dared to look at him died in a matter of seconds. Despite this, he was considered a good creature as he warned travelers of the dangers of the road. Regarding its appearance, the body is that of a scorpion and the arms and trunk of a man.

Fire bird

In Slavic mythology we find mentions of the fire bird at different times in history. Although there are variations, in all the texts he is described as a magical being that can illuminate the entire forest in the middle of the night . It is not a good idea to try to catch it because doing so carries a curse on the captor.


One of the most important mythological animals in history is the rukh, which belongs to the Persian tradition . It is a large eagle that feeds on mammals such as rhinos, elephants and even humans.


And finally, the Kraken, whose origin is in Scandinavian mythology. It is a giant squid that attacked ships and carried them to the depths . In addition, it is said that it devoured sailors.

In marine mythology , mention is also made of Aspidochelone, a large sea turtle that, with its shell, made itself look like an island. Those who touched it sank into the depths.



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