Home Living Nine lessons I learned in my first breastfeeding and repeated in my...

Nine lessons I learned in my first breastfeeding and repeated in my second


Without a doubt, one of the best experiences of my life (besides becoming a mother, of course), is having been able to exclusively breastfeed my babies. I admit that at the beginning it was hard, but when repeating experience obviously the subject was much more rolled. Today I want to share what were those teachings that the first one left me, and that I applied directly when I breastfed for the second time.

Not listening to everyone’s voices or opinions

If people knew how exasperating the millions of opinions, uncomfortable questions and advice – the vast majority of them not asked – that mothers hear (especially if we are newcomers) can be, I am sure they would cut a little more. At first it overwhelmed me a lot because I felt that everyone knew everything about breastfeeding except me, until one day I got tired and directly stopped listening to them . Peace returned to me and the silence let me hear my own voice better, with everything my intuition had to tell me (and which was always very successful, by the way).

The best product for soothing nipples is olive oil

Contrary to what I thought at first, the second breastfeeding was also hard despite everything I learned in the first, although this time I did feel that I was in control.

Although breastfeeding should not hurt, it is normal for the nipples to suffer a little from the friction of the baby’s suction. The first time I tried various creams, until the midwife recommended that I apply olive oil and leave the skin in the open air to dry. The second time I went straight to our “liquid gold”, because it definitely works best.

Keep in mind that if breastfeeding hurts, you should go immediately to the midwife to correct the posture and verify that the baby is latching on correctly.

The breast pump is your ally

Despite how beautiful it is to be with your baby and feed it, it is true that when you do it on demand, it can be very sacrificing. That is why I consider that the breast pump is an essential device if you breastfeed, since it gives you freedom when you cannot be with it all the time . Expressing milk and making a small bank for emergencies is something that guarantees you to follow the EBF even if you have something unforeseen.

It is essential to adopt different postures throughout the day to breastfeed

There are two reasons why we must change the position to breastfeed throughout the day: the first, because the back suffers a lot when you do it exclusively and always in the same position. The second is because in this way you properly empty all parts of the chest.

It is necessary to make this a comfortable time for you

It is normal that at first you overwhelm yourself a little until you have completely controlled the situation, but as soon as you do, take the moment of feeding your baby as “your moment”. To do it, find your comfort and relax because in this way you will both enjoy it more.

I admit that the first time it took me to be aware of this (I guess because of how hard it was at first), but the second time, I enjoyed it much more, and I even saw a complete series that I had prepared for the breastfeeding moment.

There are days when it seems that you only breastfeed, and nothing happens

I recently told you an anecdote that marked me a lot in my first postpartum. With the second it was clear that there would be more of those days, but I took them more calmly, because I was already fully aware that they are punctual and do not return.

If your baby has days that he just wants to be close to your breast, it is normal. Try not to stress … delegate everything you can and take it as one of those “100% mom” days , because then they will become the anecdotes that you will tell your child when he is older.

Choosing the best clothes for breastfeeding clothes

In my first pregnancy, I started shopping for nursing clothes like there was no tomorrow. In practice, I found that the most comfortable for me were normal shirts with buttons at the front , so everything I bought was practically new (and with the second it remained in the same state). I think the best way to choose is to buy a couple of clothes of this type, try them on, and if they seem comfortable, get more (and not all at once, as I did).

Not be distressed by having to breastfeed in public

I know that at first it is difficult for many of us to do it, because at some point you may find yourself with an inquisitive look or a malicious comment. However, in the end you will only be aware that your baby eats when he is hungry and the rest will not matter to you, so with the second it is an issue that no longer worried me in the least.

Breastfeeding involves teamwork

When you have not been through the experience of breastfeeding, you believe that all the work is going to be yours . Although clearly breastfeeding can only be done by you, the father can (and should) also play an active role. In fact, in the first time, and practically from the beginning, my husband was in charge of taking care that I was comfortable, checking if the baby had burps and giving him walks around the house to prevent him from returning due to the reflux he suffered.

In Babies and More | How to prepare for successful breastfeeding from pregnancy

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