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Norovirus on cruise ships


Norwalk virus or norovirus occasionally makes the news every time more than 2 percent of all cruise passengers become ill with a “stomach bug,” making them very ill for a day or two. This virus can be very unpleasant and symptoms include stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Some people even have a fever or chills, and many report muscle or head aches. This ailment can certainly ruin a vacation! Let’s take a look at the Norwalk virus and how you can take steps to avoid this nasty disease.

What are Norwalk viruses (Norovirus)?

Noroviruses are a group of viruses that cause “stomach flu,” “stomach virus,” or gastroenteritis in people. Although people often refer to norovirus (or Norwalk virus) as the “flu,” the virus is not the flu virus, and getting a flu shot will not prevent it. Sometimes a norovirus is known as food poisoning, but it is not always transmitted in food, and there are other types of food poisoning that do not belong to the norovirus family. Symptoms appear very suddenly, but the illness is very brief, usually one to three days.

Although norovirus is very unpleasant while you have it, most people do not have long-term adverse health effects.

The Norwalk virus got its name from Norwalk, Ohio, where there was an outbreak in the 1970s. Today, similar viruses are called norovirus or Norwalk-like viruses. Whatever its name, this stomach virus ranks second (behind the common cold) in the emergence of viral illnesses in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported more than 267 million cases of diarrhea in 2000, and it is estimated that around 5 to 17 percent of these may have been caused by a Norwalk virus. Cruise ships aren’t the only place you can pick up this nasty critter!

Of the 348 outbreaks reported to the CDC between 1996 and 2000, only 10 percent occurred in vacation settings, such as cruise ships. Restaurants, nursing homes, hospitals, and day care centers are the most likely places to get a norovirus.

How do people become infected?

Noroviruses are found in the feces or vomit of infected people. People can become infected with the virus in a number of ways, including:

  • Eating food or drinking fluids contaminated with norovirus
  • Touching surfaces (like doorknobs) or objects (like eating utensils) contaminated with norovirus and then placing that hand in your mouth
  • Having direct contact with an infected person who has symptoms.

Norovirus is highly contagious and can spread quickly on cruise ships. Like the common cold, norovirus has many different strains, making it difficult for a person’s body to develop long-lasting immunity. Therefore, norovirus disease can recur throughout a person’s life. Also, some people are more likely to become infected and develop more serious illnesses than others due to genetic factors.

When do symptoms appear?

Symptoms of norovirus disease generally begin about 24 to 48 hours after exposure to the virus, but can appear as early as 12 hours after ingestion. People infected with norovirus are contagious from the time they begin to feel unwell until at least 3 days after recovery. Some people can be contagious for up to 2 weeks. Therefore, it is particularly important for people to use good hand washing practices after having recently recovered from a Norwalk virus. It’s also important to isolate yourself from other people as much as possible, even after symptoms disappear.

What treatment is available?

Since the Norwalk virus is not bacterial, antibiotics are not effective in treating the disease. Unfortunately, like the common cold, there is no antiviral drug that works against the Norwalk virus, and there is no vaccine to prevent infection. If you are vomiting or have diarrhea, you should try to drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, which is the most serious health effect that can result from Norwalk virus or Norovirus infection.

Can infection be prevented?

You can lower your chances of coming into contact with Norwalk virus or norovirus on a cruise ship by following these preventive steps:

  • Wash your hands often, especially after using the bathroom, changing diapers, and before eating or preparing food.
  • Use a chlorine-based cleaner to thoroughly clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces immediately after an illness episode.
  • Remove and immediately wash clothing or bedding (with soap and hot water) that may be contaminated with viruses after an episode of illness.
  • Flush or flush any vomit and / or feces down the toilet and make sure the surrounding area is kept clean.

Getting a Norwalk-type virus or norovirus can ruin your vacation, but fear of contracting this virus shouldn’t keep you at home. Use proper sanitation procedures and remember that you are very likely to get sick in your hometown.



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