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Opening hours of shops, restaurants and museums in France Typical opening hours, hours and hours in France


In France, travelers have more to adapt than just jet lag. During your trip, you will find that restaurants, shops, and sightseeing must adhere to French hours, which sometimes means closing in the middle of the day. You can show up at a museum at lunchtime when it’s closed or opt for a late lunch to find that most restaurants close at 2 p.m. Considering typical French opening hours, it will help you adjust to the pace of life. French and make the most of your trip.

French shops and museums

French stores tend to be open in the mornings until noon, and many (if not most) close for up to three hours for lunch. They usually reopen between 2 and 3 in the afternoon. Things can be a bit different if you travel to the south of France, where the warm weather plays a big role in the store’s opening hours. You will find food stores in particular that open early and stay open late when the day is cooler. However, in the main tourist centers, the shops tend to stay open all day. Museum hours also vary in France, and while some will remain open all day, others will close for lunch, especially in small towns and villages.

Sunday is a day of rest, which the French take seriously. Almost all stores are closed on Sundays, so plan accordingly. You will find that stores that sell food will remain open, but boutiques are highly unlikely to do so. If visiting on a Sunday, be careful to buy anything you may need on Saturday.

French restaurants and cafes

When shops and museums are closed, restaurants and cafes come to life. Better to do what the French do and plan to have lunch between 12 and 2 p.m. M. After that, you may not be served in a cafe, even if it appears to be open.

If you skip lunch during these typical lunch hours, you may have to wait until dinner time for restaurants to reopen, which in France is usually around 8pm.

Hours out of season

You could also run into similar issues during your off-season visit. During certain times of the year, usually from Christmas to January or February, hotels, shops, attractions, and sometimes even tourist offices in small towns have reduced hours or even closed entirely for the season. And in August, it’s common for Parisians to leave the city for weeks, and smaller shops and cafes may be closed at that time. Be sure to check in advance if you are visiting out of season.

How to deal with French opening hours

In France, it’s best to give up and plan your day around opening and closing hours. You can have your latte and breakfast in the morning when the croissants are fresh and visit shops and attractions until lunchtime. Enjoy a long and leisurely French lunch and resume your visits afterwards, followed by a late dinner.

If that doesn’t fit your schedule, there are some loopholes to get around French customs:

  • Look for stores and restaurants that have the phrase “non-stop” in the window. This does not mean that this is a place that is always open, but it simply will not close in the middle of the day. For example, a restaurant will not close between lunch and dinner, or a store will not close for lunch.
  • Not in the mood for a great lunch? Count lunch as downtime. Grab some coffee shop sandwiches to go, maybe even a bottle of wine, and head back to your accommodation to relax for a couple of hours. That way, you’ll be well rested when French life picks up after lunch.
  • Even if the shops are closed, that doesn’t mean you can’t see window displays and if the museums are closed, you can still enjoy them from the outside. Many museums are located on historic properties, and only the architecture is worth seeing.

Edited by Mary Anne Evans



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