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Pedro Piqueras and the most viral video: his fit of laughter at the curious disinfection of the Bilbao metro


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, disinfection of public places, such as the subway, has become a high priority to prevent the spread of Covid-19. This week, Metro Bilbao has shared a video on social networks showing how an operator disinfects the escalators . However, far from the expected reaction, the video has been the subject of comments and memes, and not only among users. Pedro Piqueras himself suffered a fit of laughter when he presented the Telecinco News of the night on the video of the Bilbao metro.

To understand what this is all about, let’s start by analyzing the video. The operator appears dressed in PPE and with a backpack and a spray hose to disinfect the escalators of a station. So far so good.

The problem comes when you get on the escalator and start pouring the disinfectant down the steps right in front of you and through the railing on both sides . What is happening? That the ladder is in motion, so that the operator moves with it and, therefore, is always pouring the disinfectant on the same step and in the same area of the railing.

Throughout the day the video went viral on social networks and thousands of users shared it. Of course, the best came with the Telecinco News of the night, presented by Pedro Piqueras , who suffered a fit of laughter live when he told how the operator disinfects the stairs of the Bilbao metro.

“Intensive” disinfection · according to the Metro itself, although the cleaner’s work is ineffective because it is done on the escalator while it is running, so it would be disinfecting the same area all the time. A video that has generated a lot of comments.



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