Home News Police officers run over injured cat – with full intention: "Her head...

Police officers run over injured cat – with full intention: "Her head was still under the tire"


Created: 09/08/2022 11:53 am

Katze mit schwarz weißem Fell
A cat (symbolic photo) lies badly injured on the country road. Police kill the animal. © imago

A cat lay badly injured on a country road. The alarmed police officers said they had no choice. Officials decided to end the cat’s suffering.

Lippe – The police officers wanted to end the torment of the animal as quickly as possible. A veterinarian was not nearby “due to the early time”. The officials had “tried for veterinary help to redeem the cat,” said the police in Lippe (North Rhine-Westphalia).

“The police officers decided to end the cat’s suffering themselves,” the police statement said. This is how the “patrol car” was used. In plain language this means: The police ran over the injured cat on the country road in Barntrup – on purpose!

NRW: Police officers deliberately run over an injured cat on a country road – why was there no coup de grace?

Apparently no veterinarian could be reached, and according to the local police officers, a coup de grace was also impossible. “Firing a shot at the site where the animal was found would have been too dangerous and due to the serious injuries, the police officers ruled out moving the animal.”

“When I looked under the police car, I saw my cat. She was dead. Her head was still under the tire,” a farmer told the Bild newspaper.

The incident happened on August 30 at around 6:30 a.m. on a country road in the Lippe district (North Rhine-Westphalia). An unknown driver had apparently hit the cat. The animal was badly injured on the street.

Suspicion of animal cruelty: Local residents filed a complaint against police officers for violating the Animal Welfare Act

The press release was published on Wednesday (September 7, 2022). A local resident has therefore filed a criminal complaint against the police officers on suspicion of violating the Animal Welfare Act, the message explains. The public prosecutor’s office in Detmold is investigating the case.

“Unfortunately, police officers have to deal with injured animals on a regular basis, mostly in the context of wildlife accidents, which is not always easy. Animal welfare always comes first. Unfortunately, sometimes there is no way to save the injured animal,” writes the Lippe police. In the case of accidents involving wild animals, a hunter or veterinarian is usually called to rescue the animal and avoid unnecessary suffering and pain. The judiciary must now clarify whether running over was actually the only choice in this case. (ml)

A shocking case of animal cruelty has occurred in Bavaria: An unknown littered a playground with the parts of a dead cat.



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