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Power outage information in Washington DC


When a power outage occurs in the Washington DC area, it is generally restored in less than two hours. During thunderstorms, ice storms, hurricanes, high winds, and extreme heat, the power supply system can be strained, causing more severe and long-lasting power outages. Power outages can also result from construction damage and car accidents. Power companies want people to report outages so they can identify problems and restore power as quickly as possible.

Electric Companies Serving the Washington DC Area

PEPCO (Potomac Electric and Power Company) supplies electricity to Washington, DC and Montgomery and Prince George’s counties in Maryland. (877) PEPCO-62. Blackout map

Dominion Virginia Power provides electricity to Virginia and North Carolina. (888) 667-3000. Blackout map

Allegheny Power provides electricity to Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. 1-800-Allegheny (1-800-255-3443) Power outage map

Tips for dealing with a power outage

  • To be prepared. Before the storm, stock up on food, water, flashlights, batteries, warm clothing, extra blankets, first aid supplies, games or entertainment, etc. Make sure you charge your cell phone before a big storm and make sure you have a landline phone with a cord that works without power.
  • If you use a portable generator during a power outage, keep it outside, away from doors and windows. Carbon monoxide fumes are deadly and you need to be sure to prevent them from entering your home.
  • Do not try to remove trees from a power line. Stay at least 10 feet from the wire. Leave this dangerous job to the professionals.
  • Prolonged power outages can spoil food due to lack of refrigeration. Food in the refrigerator can safely stay cold for 4 to 6 hours. Items in the freezer can stay frozen for 2 to 4 days. Keeping the doors closed will keep food cold longer. See more tips for preparing for power outages from the National Center for Home Food Preservation.
  • Stay comfortable and safe. During the winter months, wear layers and make sure you stay warm enough. In the summer, protect yourself from heat stress and drink plenty of water. Visit a friend or go to a public place that has heating or air conditioning.
  • Enjoy some quality time with your family. Short-term power outages can be a fun time to connect with your family members and loved ones. Tell stories or read books together if you have enough light.

More Public Service Emergency Phone Numbers

WASA (Water and Sewer Authority Hotline) (202) 612-3400
Verizon (Telephone Company) (800) 275-2355
WMATA (Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) (202) 962-1212
Washington Gas (Gas Company) (800) 752- 7520

Free Wifi Locations in the DC Area

Washington DC
Virginia del Norte



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