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Receiving sensitive and loving care would reverse the effects of stress during pregnancy on newborns


For several years, we have known that suffering stress during pregnancy can affect the baby in various aspects, from its emotional development to the possibility of presenting certain diseases during childhood.

Fortunately, and according to a new study, it is possible to reverse the effects of stress during pregnancy in newborns : with sensitive and loving care from their mothers.

The study

Published in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry , the study investigated the effect of maternal care on the impact that stress during pregnancy had on babies. Previous studies, carried out in animals, had found that maternal care could reverse them, so it was decided to analyze whether this also happened in humans.

According to the results of the research, in which 94 mothers took part with their babies, receiving sensitive maternal care after birth could erase some of the negative effects of having experienced stress during pregnancy in newborns .

This conclusion is similar to one found in another British study carried out a few years ago, in which the results showed that stroking the newborn moderated the effects of stress during pregnancy .

Avoid stress during pregnancy

Although this is undoubtedly good news and confirms the incredible power of love and maternal contact, the ideal is to live a calm pregnancy , where stress is not present.

Of course, there are situations that perhaps are out of our control and it is quite normal that we experience stressful moments during pregnancy (for example, when the moment of delivery is approaching or there is a family complication).

The important thing is to do everything possible to keep stress at bay and not allow it to affect us too much . In these cases, there are certain things we can do:

  • Do some pleasant and quiet activity, such as reading or watching one of our favorite movies.
  • Receive a prenatal massage.
  • Practice meditation, recite positive mantras, or do breathing exercises.
  • Exercise. Going for a walk, biking, swimming, or yoga are some examples of quiet exercises to help you clear up and relax.
  • Take time for yourself, because also in pregnancy it is important to give yourself those spaces.

Some signs that could indicate that stress has gotten out of control can be psychological symptoms, such as anxiety, insomnia or prolonged sadness, and / or physical symptoms such as headache or loss of appetite.

If we suspect that stress is affecting us or we present any of these symptoms, it is best to consult with the doctor and seek professional help , such as therapy.

Via | EurekAlert

In Babies and more | Stress in pregnancy: can it affect my baby? Not only the physical matters: taking care of mental health during pregnancy is beneficial for the baby



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