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Screen and Internet use and children's emotional health top the list of parental concerns during the pandemic


It is clear that parenting during a pandemic is not easy, since in addition to the fear that our children will get sick, the list of responsibilities and concerns increases, as we want to make sure that they are well during these difficult times .

A survey conducted in the United States found that when it comes to children’s health, the main concerns parents have are related to the use of screens and the Internet and the emotional health of their little ones .


Conducted by CS Mott Children’s Hospital in Michigan, United States, the survey of more than 2,000 parents with children from one to 18 years of age revealed that despite the fact that half of the parents are concerned about the Coronavirus, there are other issues related to the health of your children that are more present.

After analyzing and filtering the results of the survey, a list of the 10 most important concerns for parents during the pandemic was made, among which those related to the use of screens and their mental and emotional health stand out :

  1. An excessive use of social networks (72%)
  2. Bullying and cyberbullying (62%)
  3. Internet safety (62%)
  4. Unhealthy eating (59%)
  5. Depression / suicide (54%)
  6. Lack of physical activity (54%)
  7. Stress / anxiety (54%)
  8. Smoking / vaping (52%)
  9. Drinking alcohol or using drugs (50%)
  10. Covid (48%)

Although each is different, most of the concerns listed are interrelated . For example, having to avoid going out and staying at home increases the use of screens and with it the risks of being a victim of cyberbullying or dangers on the Internet, which can affect the emotional health of children.

On the other hand, we know that the mood of children and adolescents has also been strongly affected by limiting many of the social activities they used to have, such as hanging out with their friends or playing in public places, thus also reducing their physical activity.

If we also take into account that many children had to experience the loss of a family member due to the pandemic for the first time, the effects on their mental and emotional health are undoubtedly a cause for concern for parents .

Now more than ever, let’s be parents present

Fortunately, many of the concerns that parents have raised in this survey can be prevented and resolved by being present whenever their children need it and supervising what they do.

We know that times are difficult for everyone, but let’s not forget about them, that they need us now more than ever and providing them with calm, love and security will benefit them enormously.

Photo | iStock
Via | Motherly
In Babies and more | How to help young children manage their emotions and behavior during the pandemic,



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