Home Living Sexting improves the sexual life of the couple

Sexting improves the sexual life of the couple


The sexting or sending of text messages or images with sexual content to, in theory, a trusted person, is also gaining followers among adults. Now, a new study carried out by a team of experts from Drexel University in Philadelphia (USA) has concluded that the practice of sexting has a positive side for adults since it improves partner satisfaction at the level sexual. The results have been presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Society.


By eliminating the danger it poses to the youngest and the appearance of crimes associated with the distribution of these contents, the study wanted to analyze its impact on the sexual life of the couple, among adults. To do this, they conducted a survey of 870 volunteers aged between 18 and 82 years . One of the most striking conclusions was that 8 out of 10 people admitted having practiced sexting at some point in their lives and 82% did so in the last year.


In addition, they discovered a relationship between higher levels of partner satisfaction and the practice of sexting . Thus, the more erotic content is sent via mobile, the greater general satisfaction for both . 75% of those surveyed admitted to having practiced sexting within a stable relationship and 43% in a sporadic relationship.


“Given the potential implications, both positive and negative, of sexting for sexual health, we believe it is important to continue investigating its role in romantic and sexual relationships. This research shows that sexting is a behavior that adults target for many reasons and that it is related to sexual and partner satisfaction ”, explains Emily Stasko, co-author of the study.




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