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Shopping in the heat: You should leave these groceries on the shelves at Aldi, Lidl & Co


Created: 07/20/2022, 09:20 am

At high temperatures, the choice of food is anything but irrelevant. Buying the wrong products when it is hot can cause health risks.

Dortmund/Frankfurt – If it gets very hot in summer, you should not only take the well-known protective measures against overheating, such as the multiplication table for hot days, into account. Dangers of heat also slumber in supermarkets. When it is hot, consumers should keep an eye on their food choices.

danger area In the supermarket while shopping
health risk At high temperatures around 30°C
measure avoidance of certain foods

Aldi, Lidl and Edeka: Never buy certain foods when it is hot

It will be very hot in NRW from Monday (July 18), which can pose a potential health risk when shopping in the supermarket. But which foods should you definitely not buy when it gets so hot?

Extreme temperatures are currently prevailing in Germany. When shopping in the supermarket, it is therefore advisable to leave certain foods on the shelves. (Symbol photo) © Richard B. Levine / Imago Images

It stands to reason that one should take a look at transport when shopping in summer. It can quickly get very hot, especially in the car. Within a few minutes, products heat up to such an extent that they may become inedible. But maintaining the cold chain is not only essential for ice cream, as RUHR24 reports.

Aldi, Lidl, Edeka: Shopping in the heat increases the risk of salmonella

Animal products from the supermarket or discounters in particular pose a health risk at higher temperatures. Salmonella, for example, can spread if the food in question gets too hot. So in summer it is very difficult to transport this raw, animal-based food home safely and compliantly. According to BW24 , these include meat, poultry, egg dishes, dairy products and fish.

If the optimum temperatures are not maintained during transport when it is hot, the cold chain is interrupted. This then leads to bacterial growth or the spread of salmonella, for example when grilling afterwards. To counteract this as much as possible, you can use cool boxes. But caution is also required here, because many cooler bags do not cool properly.

Shopping in the heat: stay away from these foods and drinks

And there are other products that you should stay away from in summer when it’s hot: the body has to expend a lot of energy with some foods so that they can be digested.

When it comes to the right diet, fatty meat and sausages should not end up in the shopping cart. At least not when it’s very hot. BW24 suggests buying rice, vegetables or salad and raw vegetables in the supermarket.

When it comes to quenching thirst, it makes sense to question purchasing. The refreshment seems great, but beware of cold drinks. The body needs a lot of energy to digest cold drinks. This is because blood vessels constrict when you drink cold fluids.

If the liquid is then adjusted to body temperature so that it can get into the blood, you often start to sweat. This is not the case with warmer drinks. This means that the fluid balance can be better regulated in summer with warm drinks.

Aldi, Lidl, Edeka: When the temperature is high, be sure to leave the popular drink on the supermarket shelf

On sunny summer days, alcoholic drinks in particular often lure people to the bars and cafés in the area. In addition, the summer alcohol-related offers at Aldi, Lidl, Edeka and Co. attract customers. But that is exactly what is worrying. Alcohol deprives the body of important minerals and water. If you want to be on the safe side, wine, sparkling wine, beer etc. should not be touched when shopping. (Johanna Kontowski)



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