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So you can recover space on your mobile phone


We use our mobile devices just about anything from recording videos and taking photos to using the applications that matter most to us. Currently, phones have more than enough storage capacity, the minimum in the mid-range being 32GB. And there are users who have more memory on their mobile device than on their computer, since we can find phones with 1 TB capacity. It happens very often, we keep so much material on the phone that sometimes the alarms go off and we are told that we have run out of free storage . Then the emergency solutions arrive, start deleting photos or videos that we have forgotten. It is not a convenient practice, so the best possible measure is to anticipate and acquire habits that always allow us to have free space in the memory of our phone.

Does my phone have enough memory?

Unless it’s a very old one, you probably have enough space to store everything you need. However, bad practices have the consequence of saving everything on the device. All series of files accumulate that we do not need and it is not necessary to reach that point. In addition, if your phone supports an external memory card, you can buy a higher capacity one and avoid these problems. But as we have commented, the smartest solution is to make reasonable use of storage. We are creating the need and every time we need mobile phones with more memory.

How to free up memory on your mobile phone

The best way to do this is precisely by avoiding getting to that point. Think that it is not necessary that you accumulate all series of photographs on the phone, it does not make any sense that you save in the local memory of the device the photos of events past years ago. In addition, with cloud storage services you will always have those files available if you want. Have you thought about what can happen if you keep everything on your phone and it gets lost or stolen? For any of us it would be a real catastrophe , and we are always fully exposed to these files falling into the wrong hands. Therefore, avoid at all costs to carry on the local phone everything that is susceptible to great pain in case of loss.

It is always interesting that you take a look at the gallery of your mobile phone. There is a general tendency to accumulate photographs and videos and not put them in a safe place. Our advice is to install a cloud storage application. Most of them offer enough space for free , so that photograph or video will be uploaded to that space on the network to which you only have access. Do you think it makes sense to keep it forever on the device? Not.

Apps, great forgotten

The same thing happens with mobile applications as with Videos and photos. We have them there and it doesn’t matter if we don’t use them. However, they are penalizing the space quite a bit. There are especially heavy applications, such as those of social networks. We are not going to tell you, but you can opt for the lighter versions that do not have such advanced features. The savings are quite considerable. In the same way, if there is an application that you have not used for more than a month, it is best to uninstall it . It’s a sign that you really don’t need them that much. What’s more, there are services that are in the form of a mobile application, but you can access them through a browser. For example, digital press applications. You can check if it is worth having them installed if you can really have the same service from the mobile browser without losing benefits.


Some details in the configuration that will help you save

You will have noticed that mobile devices have a camera capable of providing a lot of quality. Currently, a photo taken with a phone weighs several megabytes. But if we go to 4K video recording, anything you do that is a few minutes long will greatly penalize the space. The worst thing is not that, it is that you probably do not have a device to later play it in 4K. As soon as you look for the camera settings, you can set it to a lower quality, since you will not notice a difference. However, in saving space, there will be. If you make the adjustments, you will notice that the weight of the photos varies a lot without penalizing the quality.

In addition to everything we have mentioned, there are some applications that can generate free space on your mobile device. For example, they look for duplicate photos and delete them, they also load installation files that are taking up space and that we no longer need at a stroke. Or, they manage to make adjustments so that you do not suffer from so many storage problems. Choose wisely, as there are quite a few who don’t do what they say. Our recommendation goes through Files, from Google itself and that you can use on your Android device.

When you delete photos from your gallery, remember that they will go to the deleted folder or to the trash . In order to recover that space, you have to remove them from there and delete them permanently. Likewise, we recommend that you take a look at the messaging applications. They usually accumulate enough data that will not be of any use to you. From time to time, empty some chats, and if you want to keep them, back them up and save them on your computer.

As a final recommendation, we invite you to at least once a year back up everything on your device and reset the phone, that is, leave it with the factory settings. As soon as you download the backup again, you will have noticed a significant space saving. But the best measure that a totally collapsed mobile can help you is not having anything on the device that you will not need. For pure practicality and for mental hygiene.




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