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Sunday thriller on ARD: Police call 110 "Hilde's legacy" brings a lot of new things


“Hilde’s legacy”: The German-Polish police call 110 on ARD today has been reorganized and is off to a promising start. Does the crime thriller work?

Frankfurt – Is it because Adam Raczek was overshadowed by Olga Lenski? Is it because Lucas Gregorowicz seems different when you finally see “The Passport” (Gregorowicz as a pushy tabloid reporter), also recently “Murder in the Family” (Gregorowicz as the most suppressed son) and have seen overall that he is a multi-faceted actor ? In the first German-Polish rbb police call of the new era, he is quite interesting, aged by years and not quite as sleepless as Al Pacino in “Insomnia”, but almost.

His deplorable condition is fueled on the one hand, and mitigated on the other by Vincent Ross’ candidate for commissioner, André Kaczmarczyk, apart from the hairstyle a real counterpart and the first distinctively gender-fluid investigator in an ARD Sunday evening thriller.

Police call 110 on ARD: A commissioner who tells you where to go

Gender fluid isn’t his word, he doesn’t intend to explain himself, he is who he is, wears a skirt or pants, puts on his eyes discreetly in the 80s look, dances gracefully, drives the car very carefully – the ARD chief inspector drives meanwhile like a singed sow – and hugs other people if he wants to. “Don’t fight back, come on.” He is self-confident, quick and cheeky, and, like many snobby people, easily offended. He studied psychology, but he doesn’t hold back on that. He likes to tell you where to go, big and small. “How do you channel all that pain?” he says to Raczek. “Huh?” says Raczek. And when the chief commissioner says “Indians” and “Quick”, the commissioner candidate says: You say “Indigenous” or “First Nations” and “unresolved trauma”.

ARD thriller of the new era: Police call 110 “Hilde’s legacy” tells a refreshing story

There’s no denying that Vincent Ross is up to speed and Raczek is not. But Raczek keeps his cool and also learns to appreciate him. And if he didn’t fold it up after all, you could see the two of them riding into the sunset together. That’s better.

The most refreshing thing about the first German-Polish ARD police call of the new era, however, is that Anika Wangard and Eoin Moore, who also directs, tell a good story in their book, despite the obligatory toddling at the beginning. Vincent Ross first appears as a witness, only his voice can be heard in flashbacks, original. His new neighbor, a hedonistic-looking student, has been murdered – anyone who hasn’t informed himself beforehand stumbles into the situation. Who is important, who is dead anyway?

Police call 110 “Hilde’s legacy” on ARD: unbalanced people at the wheel

Vincent Ross wanted to bring his removal van back to Berlin, but now he should be involved in the investigation. The pickup truck still occurs several times, motorized at all. An older mobile home crashes into a paddling pool, a senior citizen’s scooter overturns a motorcycle, the chief inspector sails into the field in his car. Unbalanced people behind the wheel are a danger to themselves and others.

Actress role
Lucas Gregorowicz Adam Raczek
André Karczmarczyk Vincent Ross
Ada Philine Stappenbeck Emma Grutzke
Lars Rudolph Ulf Grutzke
Tatja Seibt Hilde Grutzke
Isabel Schosnig Sandra Boettcher

Police call 110 to think along: “Hilde’s legacy” on ARD is a rarity

But let’s get down to business. At the center of “Polizeiruf 110: Hilde’s legacy” on the ARD are not the cheeky Voss and the overtired Raczek, but the Grutzkes. A study from the hell of family life, more of a genre picture than a realistic depiction of the milieu, brilliantly acted.

The heroine of the title is the grandmother, Tatja Seibt, who is wide awake and freezing cold waiting for death in her wrecked house with oxygen and porcelain (possibly valuable). The dead man was her grandson, whose sister Emma is played by Ada Philine Stappenbeck as a deeply sad lost person. She’s so lost that you don’t necessarily notice it at first. The fact that she doesn’t have a quirk, but an unresolved trauma, is then also obvious beyond the choice of words. The father Ulf, Lars Rudolph, appears later, people have now imagined him differently. You can see in Raczek’s face that he too had imagined him differently. Showing something without explaining it: a trust in the image and in the audience’s ability to think along with you, which is a rarity on a Sunday evening.

Meanwhile, the clever nurse Sandra, Isabel Schosnig, with a great dose of dialect, gets to the point of what it’s actually (maybe) about. “As soon as the clock starts ticking for the elderly, the relatives show up, suck it up and then they start fighting about the inheritance. That’s macabre, but that’s the way it is.” You believe her immediately, the greed, logical. After that, things are no longer so clear.

Police call 110: “Hilde’s legacy” on Sunday on ARD

From a criminalistic point of view, some things are obvious in the ARD, others are not. Here’s a logic problem that Vincent Ross notices, because it’s a delightfully chilling twist. That is very fine and very terrible. In the final image, one wonders whether it’s actually that easy officially, but above all one shudders at the brutal sadness. And about how the shamelessly short life can then also put people off. (Judith von Sternburg)

“Police call 110: Hildes Erbe”

ARD, Sun., 8:15 p.m.

Only recently did ARD show the last police call 110 with Charly Hübner. There was no skimping on darkness and action.



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