Home Fun Surprising cleaning tricks made with Coca-Cola

Surprising cleaning tricks made with Coca-Cola


Coca Cola is one of the most consumed beverages in the world and, in addition, we can get a lot of benefit from it when cleaning the home. It has many uses and using it is the easiest thing in the world: to clean the toilet, wash burned pans, remove paint stains … We tell you everything you can do with the popular soda!

Clean the toilet

Cleaning the toilet is one of the household chores that we least like to do. Coca Cola can make life easier (and a lot). It’s as simple as pouring the drink down the toilet and letting it sit for an hour. We waited an hour and, to finish, we rubbed with a brush. We flush the chain, and we already have the toilet like jets of gold!

Washing burnt pans

This is one of the best known uses of Coca Cola in cleaning the home. It is completely normal that over time and with use, the pans gradually turn black. Well, all we have to do to remove the encrusted dirt is to pour a little soda on them and let it rest for half an hour. Once the time has elapsed, we rinse with plenty of water and we will see how the pans are clean.

Remove paint stains

If our furniture has been stained with paint, we simply have to take a cloth and moisten it with Coca Cola . Then, we rub on the stain and, to finish, we rinse with water and pH soap to remove any rest of the soda.

Degrease the kitchen

Coca Cola can be very useful when it comes to leaving your kitchen looking like new, especially if there are grease stains on the tiles or on the countertop . We pour the drink on the surface, let it rest for 20 minutes and finish by wiping it with a cloth soaked in water.

Take off the ice

One of the big problems that we all face when we leave our car on the street in winter is that the windshield freezes . Well, defrost the ice from the glass without scratching the glass, we simply have to pour a can of Coca Cola and let it settle for a few minutes. Little by little we will see how the ice is loosening.

As you can see, there are many uses that Coca Cola has in cleaning the home . A very effective and easy to use remedy.



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