Home News Survey: Many consider relationships with parents to be good

Survey: Many consider relationships with parents to be good


Garching / Hanover (dpa) – A lot of people in Germany say they have or had a good relationship with at least one parent.

Four out of five respondents (80 percent) agreed with a question, as the survey institute Yougov announced on the occasion of World Parents Day on June 1st.

In the event of differences between the parents, the participants should take their relationship to the parent as a yardstick, and they should also have the closer relationship. Yougov asked the information after the end of April in the representative survey for the Sinus Institute 2029 people between 18 and 69 years of age.

79 percent said they felt grateful for their parents. Almost three quarters (74 percent) agreed with the statement: “My parents were always there for me.” Almost as many people (73 percent) said that their parents had shaped their moral compass. Accordingly, 73 percent want to convey to their children the values that their parents gave them. However, every second respondent agrees that they do a better job than their parents in raising their children.

The participants showed great openness towards family models that do not correspond to the father-mother-child scheme. Three quarters of those surveyed said it was good that other models were also accepted these days.

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