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Technological expansion and its impact on business


The scope of technology, even after the COVID-19 pandemic, has increased in recent years and has become a determining factor for business growth.

In this regard, the business world has been strongly influenced, which is why it has sought to adapt to the needs of an increasingly competitive and demanding environment that aims to continue adding innovation to its day-to-day tools.

Proof of this is the data obtained by the World Economic Forum, which mentions in its report The Future of Jobs Report 2020 the interest of organizations in expanding their workforce by 34% through deeper technology integration.

For this reason, business models are presenting a positive transformation by incorporating various digital instruments, such as omnichannel, data driven culture and artificial intelligence, which provide differentiating elements to achieve consumer satisfaction, as well as their loyalty. , with which not only will an improvement in the progress of the sector be seen, but also an increase in opportunities.

Pillar of business growth

Regarding technology, it is essential to recognize its constant evolution, a fact that makes clear the essentials of including this resource in the organizational structure, as pointed out by the leader of the Executive Degree in Programming and Digital Transformation of the Banking and Commercial School , Ramón Martínez Juárez: “Technology does not change, technology evolves and companies no longer have to change, they have to evolve without losing sight of their business model”.

As a consequence, companies are choosing to find professionals who not only focus on carrying out technical tasks, but also have a holistic vision, that is, the management of both hard and soft skills, as well as the ability to be proactive to understand the business models as a whole, as well as everything derived from them.

In the words of Martínez Juárez, companies need “talent that has this ability to understand the business, because by understanding the business, the way to translate it into a technological issue will be much simpler.”

Which is one of the focal points for hiring new talent, however, it is also one of the challenges that countries like Mexico face, since the number of people who have such skills and knowledge is limited. In the same way, finding comprehensive human capital, capable of adding high value to companies, is made difficult by not having an education that allows the acquisition of such skills.

The construction of change

This is how, in response to this momentous change, the EBC focused its attention on the creation of the Executive Degree in Programming and Digital Transformation, a program whose goal is to train professionals ready to provide automated and integrated solutions through the use of digital strategies. that benefit the establishment and strengthening of any business.

To carry it out, Martínez Juárez mentions that the Institution has designed a complete bachelor’s degree, since “it develops technical knowledge, but, in addition, it offers the possibility of acquiring soft skills and, most importantly, it incorporates boot camp subjects, which are the ones that contribute understanding of a business model that is where the technological part is developed.”

Likewise, with the purpose of achieving a rapid insertion of young people in the labor field, said program was conceived in a flexible modality to be studied over two and a half years, having as support the support of an institution such as the School of Business of Mexico, to which Martínez added: “the incorporation of the values, of the business vision that the EBC has, makes this degree become a structure with an integrated vision, a vision from end to end in business” .

In this way, the Banking and Commercial School maintains its commitment to continue inspiring, through specialized training in business, the new generations who are willing to participate in the changes that the community requires.

If you want to know more, we invite you to the Programming and Digital Transformation Week, an event organized by the EBC to promote and strengthen interest in highly relevant topics, such as mobile applications, digital transformation through software development and new technologies such as AI and blockchain , as well as e-commerce. To be able to participate, register at

For more information about the Degree in Programming and Digital Transformation, go to:



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