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The 11 Most Popular Myths About Pregnancy To Banish


When we are pregnant, it is common to hear some comments that people repeat without knowing if they are really true or not. But there they remain, in the well of popular belief, being very difficult to eradicate.

Most of them have no scientific basis, they are popular myths about pregnancy disproved by science and must be banished at once . We tell you the most listened to:

“You have to eat for two”

The key to a good diet in pregnancy is that it is healthy and varied, and not in the amount that is ingested.

In the first trimester there is no need for extra calories. It is only after the second trimester that calorie needs increase, but very little, between 250 and 300 calories more per day . Therefore, this does not justify overdoing the quantity or unhealthy foods.

The ideal weight gain during pregnancy is between 9 and 12 kilos. With a balanced diet, the body will receive the amount of energy it needs for the baby to develop properly .

The important thing is to eat foods rich in nutrients and vitamins such as folic acid, iron, calcium and iodine, but not fat. The diet must be varied based on vegetables, fruits, cereals, dairy products and legumes, without forgetting the daily protein intake of meat and fish.

“The shape of the tummy predicts the sex of the baby”

“The gut in the shape of a beak indicates that it will be a boy, but if it is round, it will be a girl”, is one of the myths surrounding pregnancy.

But the truth is that neither the shape nor the size of the belly can predict the sex of the baby. The anxiety to know if it will be a boy or a girl makes us believe anything, but this has no scientific basis. Nothing better than the ultrasound to clear up doubts.

“Having sex is dangerous”

One of the most widespread concerns about sex in pregnancy is the belief that it may be bad for the baby. It is wrongly thought that certain positions can hurt you, that semen can affect you, or that the child may feel intercourse as unpleasant. However, they are all beliefs without any foundation .

On the contrary, having sex is beneficial for the baby . The mother’s body releases endorphins and the pelvic region receives more blood, causing the baby to experience a pleasant sensation inside the uterus.

The baby is protected inside the womb and does not suffer any harm. As long as your doctor does not advise against it, there is no problem.

“Bathing in pregnancy is dangerous”

Believing that bathing during pregnancy exposes the baby to possible infections is totally untrue. If the cervix (neck of the womb) is closed, as is usual until dilation begins in labor, absolutely nothing can enter. Except for medical advice, there is no risk of taking a bath (or several) or getting into the pool while pregnant.

“If you don’t satisfy a craving, a stain will appear on the baby”

Birthmarks have nothing to do with the mother’s cravings. In fact, although 25 percent of pregnant women claim to have cravings and consider them a physiological need, this compulsive desire to eat certain foods has not been scientifically proven.

“You can’t dye your hair”

There are no scientific studies that indicate that the current dyes can harm the fetus. The dyes are absorbed by the scalp, but the concentration of these substances is minimal to reach the bloodstream, cross the placenta and harm the baby.

They are considered safe to use in pregnancy, even so there are certain recommendations to take into account: it is convenient to use vegetable dyes that contain fewer chemicals than permanent dyes.

“You can’t eat fish”

Absolutely. Fish is a very healthy food for pregnant women: it is a natural source of iodine, vitamins, proteins and Omega-3 fatty acids, essential for the health of mother and baby. But not all species are suitable, as some contain high concentrations of mercury that could cross the placenta and affect the development of the baby.

Species with a high mercury content should be avoided: swordfish / emperor, bluefin tuna, shark (dogfish, porbeagle, dogfish, dogfish and blue shark) and pike.

The rest of the species are safe and it is recommended to consume them three to four times a week , alternating white fish (such as sole, hake, cod, pollock, sea bass …) and blue (sardine, salmon, trout, herring , horse mackerel …).

“You can’t get vaccinated”

Some vaccines should be avoided, but not all. The flu or pertussis vaccine is recommended for all pregnant women, as they are diseases to which pregnant women are especially vulnerable.

Vaccines have been shown to be safe, and in addition the vaccine not only protects the mother, but the protection is transferred to the baby during the first months until he is old enough to receive the vaccine.

The vaccines indicated in pregnancy do not affect the development of the baby and prevent serious complications. It is also important to get vaccinated if you are going to travel to risk areas with endemic diseases, and travel cannot be avoided.

The vaccines not indicated in this period are those of live viruses. If pregnancy is planned, it must be done taking into account the immunization status of the future mother, and in the event that she is missing any of the vaccines, such as rubella, hepatitis B or chickenpox, she can be administered before becoming pregnant.

“You can’t have cats”

Cats can carry toxoplasmosis, but you don’t need to get rid of your cat if you are pregnant.

Contagion does not occur from being in contact with a cat. They can be caressed and the pregnant woman can live with a cat without any risk as long as the cat is not a carrier of the parasite, something very unlikely if it is a house cat that does not go outside and that only feeds on feed.

In any case, it is better for pregnant women not to be in charge of cleaning their litter boxes and collecting their excrement.

“If you have heartburn, the baby will be born with a lot of hair”

It is common to hear that suffering from burning or heartburn in pregnancy is an indication that the baby has a lot of hair. But the cause of heartburn is hormonal and physiological, it has nothing to do with the amount of hair your baby has.

Or do you think that all mothers who have had heartburn have “hairy” children?

“You cannot travel by plane”

It is also said that when traveling by plane while pregnant you can expose the future baby to the radiation that is generated within it. Radiation is practically non-existent and there is no need to deprive yourself of taking a plane to travel.

However, during the third quarter there are some companies that put restrictions on travel from 32 weeks of gestation.

You should know that towards the end of pregnancy it is preferable to avoid long and tiring trips . It has also been shown that a flight can trigger childbirth when gestation exceeds 37 weeks. It is not very frequent, but cases of births produced in flight have been known.

Photo | Amina Filkins and Pexels

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