Home Fun The amount of oxygen that a tree produces and other curiosities

The amount of oxygen that a tree produces and other curiosities


Trees are very necessary for life on our planet. The oxygen that humans need is vital for life, since on average we inhale between 5 and 6 liters of the element per hour. Doing calculations, humans need between 300 and 600 liters of oxygen per hour, which is about 7,200 to 8,000 liters per day.

With this, if we want to calculate how much oxygen a tree generates, we have to know that the daily oxygen that a person needs is the equivalent of that generated by 22 trees on the entire planet . Hence the idea of the importance of nature in our environment, since it is vital for our life.

Therefore, the approximate amount of oxygen that a tree can produce per day would be around 320 to 360 liters in 24 hours . But indeed, not all trees are the same. The size, the species, the leaf they have, the location, the environment, all this influences so that this oxygen is generated and is beneficial for the human being.


With these calculations we obtain a clear first answer: green areas in cities are necessary, not only as a vital recreation of society, but also as a method of oxygen entry for humans.

We know that approximately 0.5 hectares of trees produce the oxygen necessary for about 18 people to live , so it is interesting that in large cities, where the air is also more polluted, it must be counteracted with parks, green areas and gardens that generate the necessary element for human life.

According to data obtained by the prestigious journal Nature, through an investigation in which scientists from more than 14 different countries participate, on the planet we have an average of 422 trees per human being, something that would not be bad except for that is happening in the last decades: the destruction of trees is situated at 15,000 per year, when we only plant about 10,000.

The average number of trees per human drops dramatically each year, so it is to be expected that in the year 2050 we will find ourselves in a highly delicate situation for human life as we know it so far.

The authorities are beginning to take measures in this regard, since a new path of reforestation of trees and natural areas is necessary if we want that in 2050, where it is expected that there will be more than 9,000 million people in the world, oxygen can be breathed pure come from the trees.



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