Home Living The creative invention of a mother so that her children could hug...

The creative invention of a mother so that her children could hug their grandmother during their quarantine


Quarantine has taken many things from us, but without a doubt one of the things we miss the most is physical contact with the people we love . Grandparents and grandchildren who can no longer hug, children who cannot hug their parents because they are considered risk groups, children who cannot play with their friends as they used to.

But as humanity, we need that closeness and we are always looking for a way to achieve it. That is why we have loved a mother’s invention, so that her children can safely hug their grandmother while the pandemic lasts .

Like many children, Carly Marinaro’s children missed hugging their grandmother . So looking for a way that they could meet again for at least a few minutes and hug each other safely, the mother based in Illinois, United States, got to work.

Taking as inspiration a video in which he had seen people wear bags on their heads, he thought about how to make something similar and work for his family.

Using polyvinyl chloride tubing, clear polyethylene, duct tape, and livestock gloves, Carly created a safe hug panel, with which her children could now hug their grandmother, and shared the moment this happened on her account. Facebook.

He liked his publication so much that many people asked him how he had done it, so he later published the list of materials that he had used to create it , so that other families could do it.

As can be seen in the images, the idea enchanted both their children and their grandmother, as they were finally able to hug without putting each other at risk and share that beautiful gesture of love and affection.

Via | WFLA
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