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The curiosities and other interesting things that you did not know about the Iberian lynx


Mysterious like few animals, the Iberian lynx is one of the cats that is currently in danger of extinction in our country . This animal is one of the most studied in the world given its ability to adapt and its beauty within the Spanish fauna. Currently it is estimated that about 300 specimens live in our country, their survival being really in danger.

But what is it about this feline that attracts so much scholars, poachers and nature lovers?

His life

The Iberian lynx is characterized by being a solitary animal. They will seldom be discovered in a herd and usually go alone for most of their life. Normally, it is a lazy animal, as it sleeps during the day for energy and hunts at night.

Its greatest time of activity is winter, which coincides with the mating and breeding season. Normally, at two years they can reproduce and usually have between 3 and 4 cubs at 4-6 months of gestation.

The curious thing about this Iberian lynx is that females need a burrow for gestation, so it is normal for them to look for hidden places to spend their gestation period. Later, once they have their cubs, they are fed by the mother herself for the first 6 weeks with meat and milk.

When this period passes, the Iberian lynx cubs begin to become independent between month seven and one year of life.

An unusual sight

One of the most recognizable characteristics of the Iberian lynx is its eyesight. This feline uses it to hunt and it can recognize a rodent from more than 75 meters away, a rabbit from 300 meters and a fawn from almost 500 meters.

These make them a lethal predator for their victims, since in addition, as good cats, they are also elusive and good hunters.


The diet of the Iberian lynx is not usually too varied and the rabbit is the main food they like. They can eat it at any time and hunt it when they want. Despite this, they also eat rodents, ducks, deer, and small animals.

Like other felines, to clean their stomach it is common to see them eat amounts of herbs to purify their stomach.

Danger of extinction

The Iberian lynx has been a very mistreated animal in Spain in previous years, so much so that the estimates made by the CSIC together with the University of Adelaide, in Australia, indicate that within 50 years the breed of Iberian lynx will be extinct forever.



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