Home Fun The definitive trick to know if an egg is fresh

The definitive trick to know if an egg is fresh


Chicken eggs are one of the most basic foods that we have in our diet, an absolutely versatile solution that we can incorporate into both lunches and dinners, as well as breakfast and snacks, and they usually always occupy a place in the fridge. We reveal the definitive trick to know if an egg is fresh .

And the problem is that many times the problem is that we do not know if an egg is in good condition or, as it is usually called, if it is “fresh”, suitable for consumption.

That is when it is convenient to ask yourself if, after a couple of weeks of being in the refrigerator, that product will not have spoiled and it is better to throw it away than try to ingest it . Luckily, there are some tricks that we can consider.

Three tricks to recognize if an egg is fresh

If it floats in water

You can take a glass or similar full of water, add a little salt until it dissolves, and put the egg into this container. You have to wait a couple of seconds, and if you notice that it floats, that means that it is not fresh and that it might be a good idea to avoid it. If it takes time to submerge, you should hurry up and eat it as soon as possible.

If it makes noise

You can also corroborate this first theory with a second, which consists of taking that same egg, shaking it a little, and listening to the sound it produces, which should be null. Meanwhile, if you can distinguish how the elements move inside , that means that it is past, and that you should put it aside, replacing it with another.

Break it up and see the yolk

If you still have some doubts about it, our recommendation is that you proceed to break the egg and, once broken, drop its content on a flat surface, to see how it is distributed on top of it. If all is well, the yolk should be in the center , retained by the white. If this does not happen, it is a sign that you should discard it.

That said, we believe that it is essential to clarify that other factors such as the color of the shell or the size of the egg are not indicative of its good condition, so it is not advisable to take these characteristics as reliable parameters to consume them.

For the rest, there are no nutritional differences between white and brown eggs either, so you can choose any of them equally, with the certainty that they will give you the properties you expect from a food as complete as this one.



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