Home Fun The enigma of the Disney parks: Why don't they have mirrors in...

The enigma of the Disney parks: Why don't they have mirrors in the bathrooms?


Disney amusement parks are the best known parks in the world for bringing the well-known fantasy world of the brand’s films to reality . The truth is that everything in these parks is carefully thought out, no detail is missing and it is easy to ask yourself some questions when you visit these types of parks.

The well-known Apartment Therapy writer, Shifrah Combiths , explained in one of her columns last March the experience she had when visiting one of these famous Disney chain theme parks. Everything went well, except for one thing that kept her intrigued throughout her trip: why don’t the Disney park amenities have mirrors?

The writer points out that Disney does not skimp on details throughout all its parks, keeping the visitor in this case, immersed in a fantasy world that it has created for its clients.

¿Avoid vandalism?

As Combiths recounts, Disney bathrooms are meticulously thought out for the customer. For many, the absence of mirrors in the Disney bathrooms is to keep vandalism away from the park, something that does not satisfy anyone, since there are many young children who visit the facilities.

The idea seems widespread that, as Shifrah Combiths puts it, “the conspicuous lack of Disney mirrors over sinks in most theme park bathrooms is a matter of preserving the flow of traffic .” This flow of traffic would be the idea of not queuing at the toilets.

Normally, in most amusement and leisure parks, as soon as you enter there is a huge mirror for the clients, Disney would have discarded them so that the client enters and does not linger there for a second to continue their experience in the park, and therefore consume more.

The author herself comments that Disney “has achieved the no small feat of bathrooms with almost no lines” , although she points out that there are also enough toilets to help queues are not common in its facilities.

Likewise, regarding these commercial techniques used at Disney, the author notes that the lines at Disney are almost priceless. And it is that, it does not mean that there are no queues, but that the company ensures that the client does not notice them.

“Most of the lines are zigzagged, and as dark as possible” so that the customer does not have the feeling that there are many people or it has been waiting for a long time.



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