Home Fun The most enigmatic phrases about the brain in its world day

The most enigmatic phrases about the brain in its world day


This July 22 is World Brain Day , a date to remember about its importance. This is why we highlight the most enigmatic phrases about the brain on its world day .

This day is held by the World Federation of Neurology that decided to proclaim World Brain Day in order to promote awareness of its potential, risks and diseases.

People often ask me how I got interested in the brain. My rhetorical answer is, “How can anyone not be interested in him?” Everything you call human nature and consciousness arises from there ”. Vilayanur S. Ramachandran

There are five routes of entry to the brain, only five. Everything a child learns in his life he learns in these five ways. You can see it, hear it, touch it, taste it, and smell it. Everything Leonardo da Vinci learned he learned in these five ways. Glenn doman

The brain is a wonderful organ: it starts working when you get up and doesn’t stop until you walk into the office. Robert Frost

Our brains are creating a loop that is incredibly complex. It’s not like our minds communicate, it’s not telepathy or anything like that. It is as if with each step we take we evolve in the same direction. It’s called synchronized parallel randomness.

Everything we do, every thought we’ve ever had, is produced by the human brain. But exactly how it works remains one of the biggest unsolved mysteries and it seems that the more we investigate its secrets, the more surprises we find. Neil deGrasse Tyson

Intelligence glows at the touch of difficulties, as phosphorous lights when rubbed against a rough surface. Gregorio Marañón

Instead of trying to produce a program that simulates the adult mind, why not try to produce one that simulates the mind of the child? If it were then subjected to a suitable educational course, the adult brain would be obtained. Alan Mathison Turing

Thinking that human consciousness is going to be understood by seeing which areas of the brain are activated is like thinking that the work of a Ministry is going to be understood by seeing in which windows the light is turned on. José Ramón Ayllón

It’s funny, people are capable of changing their boobs, their noses, their lips, but they would never consider changing their brain. David Trueba. The most enigmatic phrases about the brain in its world day

It is a scientifically proven fact that living in California loses one point of your own intelligence quotient each year. Truman capote




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