Home Economy The path of the entrepreneur

The path of the entrepreneur


(Expansion) – The Danish author Soren Kierkegaard refers in one of his literary works to how difficult it is for people to dare to take an important leap in their lives to advance towards certain goals.

The illustration consists of imagining the accumulation of emotions present in a circus acrobat who is hanging from the trapeze at a great height and is about to release it to pounce on the nearest bar to the delight of the audience. Kierkegaard describes a scenario filled with fear and trembling for the individual on the eve of such a momentous act.

Well, although the literary philosopher refers in his book to the plane of spirituality and metaphysics, I find it interesting to borrow this analogy to take it to the field of entrepreneurship in business.

The reckless leap of the entrepreneur consists of starting a project, aware of the natural obstacles that will be found along the way. The learning curve must be overcome through hard work, constant commitment and strong discipline. Starting a business from scratch is not an easy task; it is a race of endurance rather than speed.

Of course, innovation is an added value that must be taken into account. In a dynamic and globalized environment, it is necessary to be competitive to stand out in the face of the diversity of supply that is present in the market.

New technologies provide us with useful tools to improve quality and service in companies. Using them responsibly is essential to take advantage of their benefits and minimize their undeniable risks.

Although in recent years there has been a tendency to link innovation with entrepreneurship, the truth is that changes often generate resistance in some sectors of the population.

Therefore, promoting fresh ideas requires courage, as well as a commitment to persevere. Sometimes, not giving up and insisting is the key to success. The ability to adapt is crucial, since entrepreneurship is not exhausted in a single event, but rather is a permanent process.

Bringing a good business idea to life requires determination and genuine conviction. Taking the first step is complicated, because uncertainty leads us to doubt.

However, the entrepreneurial spirit is capable of overcoming insecurities. When we see the life examples of outstanding entrepreneurs, we tend to focus on their achievements, without taking into account the multiple failures they suffered before reaching their goals.

There are no shortcuts or magic formulas, it is a matter of attitude and will. We need entrepreneurs willing to face the challenges of the present to collaborate in the construction of a better future.

Economic and social development needs people with leadership, vision and sensitivity. Human values should never be lost sight of, since they are decisive in any business management worthy of recognition.

The remarkable thing is that, in the context of an era of unprecedented technological revolution like the current one, any individual is capable of developing the qualities of an entrepreneur. Digital platforms, artificial intelligence and automation open up great opportunities to transform paradigms and move towards new horizons hand in hand with creativity and human talent.

In a world in which more and better tools for entrepreneurship emerge every day (big data and the cloud as two examples), it will be soft skills that consolidate the new leaders of contemporary entrepreneurship.

It is necessary to dare to enter unknown environments and maintain the firmness of personal convictions, despite the natural uncertainty of starting a journey without a map, making the path by walking.

However, let us not go unnoticed that even the most reckless and brave circus trapeze artist spends hours of disciplined preparation, before appearing before a packed audience to offer the main act of the show on stage.

Editor’s note: José Guillermo Fournier Ramos is a professor at the Universidad Anáhuac Mayab. Vice President of Masters AC, a civil association that promotes effective communication and social leadership. He is also a communication and image consultant, analyst and doctoral student in Government. Follow him on and on . The opinions expressed in this column belong exclusively to the author.



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