Home Fun The story of Spartacus, the slave who made Rome tremble

The story of Spartacus, the slave who made Rome tremble


Spartacus was one of the best known characters in Ancient Rome. He was born in 113 BC in Thrace, and went down in history for directing the Gladiators, in which the slaves rebelled against power. It took place between 73 and 81 BC After deserting from the auxiliary troops of Rome he was condemned to be a slave. He spent years working in the gypsum quarries, where his incredible physical strength caught the attention of a slave trader. He decided to buy it so that he could enter the gladiator school of Capua. There are very different versions about the history of Spartacus, although it is known that he planned his escape from the gladiator school along with 70 other companions. They succeeded, and took refuge on Mount Vesuvius, where they survived by robbing nearby towns. Little by little he began to gain fame, and other slaves who managed to escape from their masters flocked to his refuge.The great rebellion of Spartacus Before the fame that Spartacus was taking, Rome decided to send a small army to kill him and all his companions. However, the soldiers ended up massacred and the slaves took their weapons. After this event, Rome sent another garrison, although this time of 3,000 men led by Gaius Claudius Glabro. However, it was not enough. They camped at the foot of Mount Vesuvius, and Spartacus and his men lowered themselves over the camp with lianas, attacking the soldiers by surprise. Hundreds of men died, and the rest fled from the place. As time passed the rebellion grew larger, and the fear of Rome was increasing. After winning several victories, Spartacus and his men were cornered in Apulia by 80,000 soldiers sent by Rome, including General Pompey.Before the battle, Spartacus sacrificed his horse, saying the following: “Victory will give me enough horses from among the enemies, and if I am defeated, I will no longer need it.” It was one of the bloodiest battles in history, in which killed 60,000 slaves and 1,000 men the Roman army. It is believed that Spartacus was defeated, although his body was never found. The movie ‘Spartacus’ is worth watching to learn more about his life. It is an American film directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1960 and that won four Oscars.



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