Home Fun These are the 5 generations that live in Spain

These are the 5 generations that live in Spain


This week the Minister of Social Security Escrivá spoke about the ‘baby boomers’. He announced that those born between the mid-50s and 70s would have to choose between “working a little more” or “a little adjustment.” Some words that generated a great controversy, and a few hours later he rectified: “I have to admit that yesterday I did not have my best day and I did not convey that certainty about something that is yet to be defined .” Until now, very few people had heard of the ‘baby boomers’, so it is time to find out which are the five generations that currently live in Spain .

Silent Generation (1930 – 1945)

The Silent Generation, also known as the Generation of the Children of War , is made up of all those who today are over 75 years of age. They lived through World War II, and also the Civil War in Spain. They were forced to grow up in austerity and, in general, they have continued all their lives along with the culture of effort and work. It is estimated that today in Spain more than six million people belong to the Silent Generation.

Baby boomers (1946 – 1964)

Baby boomers are all those born in the mid-twentieth century, during the baby boom. The end of World War II and the Civil War in Spain brought with it an exponential increase in the birth rate. In Spain this generation lagged behind other countries due to the isolation and delay it suffered during the post-war period. The baby boom did not occur until the mid-1950s, when thousands of people immigrated from the countryside to the cities.

Generation X (1965-1980)

Generation X was also delayed in Spain. Many of those who belong to it lived through the oil crisis of 1973. It is also called Generación EGB since they were the first to take this curriculum.

Millennials (1981 – 1995)

Millennials were the first to know the digital world compared to the analog one . They also had to cope with the 2008 crisis, which in many cases delayed their access to the labor market.

Generation Z (1996 – 2010)

And finally, Generation Z. They are fully integrated into the digital age and many are looking for new jobs such as influencers or bloggers. There is no doubt that they are the future.

These are the generations that live in Spain today .



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