Home News These are the 50 most popular dog breeds in Germany

These are the 50 most popular dog breeds in Germany


The Association for German Dogs (VDH) lists the 50 most popular dog breeds. You can find exotic four-legged friends as well as old friends.

He is considered to be man’s best friend. Bred centuries ago as work and hunting companions, the four-legged friends have enjoyed great popularity ever since. As the Industrieverband Heimtierbedarf (IVH) estimates, 10.7 million dogs live in Germany. This means that there is a dog in every fifth household. But which breed of dog do you find most often? The Association for German Dogs (VDH) compiled a list of the 50 most popular dog breeds. First place and second place couldn’t be more different:

50th place


The Irish Terrier barely makes it onto the list of the 50 most popular dog breeds in Germany. The terrier is an easy-to-train family dog. Training to become a hunting dog is also possible. The Irish Terrier grows up to 45.5 centimeters and can weigh over twelve kilograms.

49th place


The Border Terrier was originally bred in Great Britain to hunt foxes. The comparatively small dog (maximum weight: 7.1 kilograms) developed more and more into a house dog. The terrier has retained its robustness and agility.

48th place


In China 2000 years ago, the pug was known as the “imperial dog”. Only the ruler had the privilege of owning the breed of dog. In the 16th century the pug found its way to Europe, where it enjoyed great popularity at the courts of the nobility. From 1900 the dog breed spread quickly, as the pug was considered a fashion dog and was now kept by broad sections of the population. Because of its short snout, the pug is prone to breathing problems, which prompted the Dutch government to enforce a breeding ban on short-nosed dogs.

47th place


It catches the eye at first glance: the long, thick fur of the Berger de Brie. Its friendly appearance belies its original use. The dog, mentioned for the first time in France, guarded herds of cattle and sheep, in the two world wars it was used as a guard and reporting dog.

46th place


Lagotto Romagnolo is originally from Italy. There it is used to search for truffles thanks to its excellent sense of smell. The dog breed is also becoming increasingly popular in Germany, and the Lagotto Romagnolo is considered to be frugal and easy to train.

45th place


In the 19th century, the Yorkshire Terrier was considered a “poor man’s dog” that was bred to hunt rats. In the course of the following century, broad strata of the population acquired the little terrier, which is considered lively and intelligent.

44th place


The Boston Terrier is “a representative dog that exudes poise and dignity like a ‘Boston gentleman’, as the VDH writes on its website. The terrier is characterized by its high intelligence and the characteristic square shape of its head. The dog is named after the city where the first club for the breed was founded.

43rd place


The Cairn Terrier, like many other dog breeds, originates from Great Britain. In Scotland it was mainly used for hunting, from the 20th century it developed into a domestic dog. The Cairn Terrier is up to 31 centimeters tall and can weigh 7.5 kilograms.

42nd place


The Newfoundland is a real heavyweight. The brawny four-legged friend can weigh up to 70 kilograms. Its characteristic fur is used for its original breeding use. As a water and rescue dog, he served people for centuries. The VDH describes the Newfoundland dog as “majestic, happy and enterprising”.

41st place


The Schnauzer gets its name because of the pronounced mustache and thick eyebrows. Originally, the Schnauzer was kept in stables in southern Germany to hunt rodents. Meanwhile the Schnauzer has developed into an affectionate, watchful and good-natured house dog.

40th place


The Weimaraner is preferred as a hunting and therapy dog. In recent years, the German dog breed has also grown in popularity as a companion dog, not least because of its unusual appearance. Its fur is silver, deer or mouse gray, the eyes of the Weimaraner are light to amber.

39th place


“A sheep at home, but a lion on the hunt,” the VDH describes the character of the Irish Wolfhound. The dog breed was already used for game hunting in the Middle Ages, before it guarded the farms of the farmers as a shepherd and herding dog. With a height at the withers of up to 106 centimeters, the Irish Wolfhound is one of the largest dog breeds in the world.

38th place


The Tibetan Terrier is a popular companion dog due to its size (around 40 centimeters). However, future owners should be aware that raising the terrier will take a lot of time and effort. The Tibetan Terrier is considered intelligent and spirited.

37th place


The Leonberger is big, strong and muscular, but at the same time an elegant dog, which is characterized by self-confident calm and a lively temperament. Especially as a family dog, the Leonberger is a pleasant companion: it is neither shy nor aggressive and is known for its pronounced child-friendliness.

36th place


36th place of the most popular dog breeds is also strong and muscular, but a bit smaller and hairier: German long hair. The versatile hunting dog with the mane on the neck is considered to be balanced, calm and benign. It is therefore easy to manage in all situations.

35th place


Elegant lines, a proud posture and a resolutely spirited character: the VDH describes the Dobermann as the ideal image of a dog. It is the only German breed that bears the name of its first breeder: Friedrich Louis Dobermann. The tax collector and dog catcher was known for breeding particularly sharp dogs. Today the Dobermann has a friendly, peaceful mood. As a devoted family member, he is characterized above all by his love for children.

34th place


The German Wachtelhund is a real all-rounder. When hunting, he is a passionate and ambitious rummage with a strong will to find. The long-haired, shaggy and extremely muscular dog is known for its noble head, for its friendly manner and its good adaptability. He is neither fearful nor aggressive and likes to learn new things.

33rd place


The Whippet is “built for speed and performance”, writes the VDH. In open terrain, his run is breathtaking, the balanced combination of strength, elegance and grace makes him unique, but also his character: The calm and clean family and apartment dog is considered to be extremely cuddly, in need of love and demands petting on its own. He always wants to be there. But be careful: you can spoil it too much.

32nd place


It gets hairy in 32nd place: The smart beard that frames the Bearded Collie’s face is what gave the Scottish herding dog its name. Today he is considered lively, spirited and incredibly enterprising, at the same time as a loving family dog. However, his exuberant temperament requires a good hand. Exercise and a lot of activity are particularly important for the Bearded Collie’s well-being – otherwise he will become bored and develop undesirable behaviors.

31st place


The Beagle was originally bred to hunt rabbits; its affable nature and flapping ears make it particularly popular as a family dog. He embodies a good mood, always looks happy, can be a bit stubborn – and likes to eat for his life. Therefore, owners should pay attention to a balanced diet.

30th place


The Malinois is one of the four subspecies of the Belgian Shepherd Dog. His posture is proud, his expression always attentive, fear and aggressiveness are alien to him. In short: The Malinois is an excellent herding dog, but also proves to be a reliable watchdog and excels as a protection and service dog. He is vigilant, active and downright tireless.

29th place


29th place of the most popular dog breeds is a small white shaggy: the West Highland White Terrier. Its striking appearance and character make the smart hunter a popular family dog. A typical “Westie” is considered charming, happy, courageous, alert and self-confident. With a little empathy and patience, the little terrier is easy to train. Due to its adaptability, it is also easy to keep in apartments – however, you should ensure that you have enough freedom of movement.

28th place


A terrier also occupies 28th place – a beefy one, as the British’s name suggests: Miniature Bull Terrier. He is a bit sturdy, muscular and is characterized by activity and intelligence. Its most striking feature, however, is its “downface” and the egg-shaped head. The little Bull Terrier is good with people, although they can be stubborn at times.

27th place


Another terrier, this time a German representative: The German Jagdterrier is a black and red, compact working dog that originated after the end of the First World War. Its breeders paid particular attention to hunting performance. The German Jagdterrier is therefore considered courageous and hard, eager to work and persevering. In addition, also as sociable.

26th place


And because it’s so beautiful, another terrier: the Parson Russell Terrier from Great Britain. His physique – compact yet wiry – is perfect for hunting in animal burrows underground. To do this, the Parson Russell Terrier needs a good deal of courage. He is fearless, lively, and kind.

25th place


101. One number is enough – and you know which dog is meant: the Dalmatian. The cheerfully dotted film stars enchanted millions of children – and the Dalmatian is a hearty family member in real life too. He loves exercise, is happily lively outdoors and exudes a pleasant calm at home. A close family connection is important so that the Dalmatian feels comfortable. If that is the case, he shows his joy in a very special way. According to the VDH, the Dalmatian is the only dog breed that expresses its cheerfulness with a smile: it shows its teeth, closes its eyes and wags its tail.

24th place


Whether family, sport or guard dog: the Airedale Terrier leaves nothing to be desired. His lovable nature and the faithful look make hearts beat faster. He is considered spirited, yet extremely sociable and fond of children. The Airedale Terrier wants to be kept busy, a varied exercise – walks together, cycling or jogging tours – are just as good for him as for his master.

23rd place


“Chihuahua. Chihuahua. Chihuahua. Oh, Chihuahua. ”DJ Bobo seems to be a real fan of the cute dog breed that ranks 23rd on our list. No wonder: They are extremely lively, tireless and nimble – but above all, real pick-me-ups. Chihuahuas are also suitable for people with little dog experience and because of their height they get a lot of exercise even in smaller apartments.

22nd place


Havanese are little fur wonders that have long been one of the rare dog breeds. Today they are particularly popular as lap dogs – and therefore anything but rare. Havanese want to be cuddled, the family is their one and only. Loyalty, intelligence, an exuberant manner and even humor shape his character. In contrast to some other compact four-legged friends, the Havanese is not a barker.

21st place


The name says it all: Miniature Schnauzers are like Schnauzers (place 41), only smaller. They are smart, persistent, vigilant and also feel right at home in a smaller apartment. But miniature schnauzers need a self-confident and active owner, explains the VDH. When it comes to upbringing, he says, above all, he needs consistency, because his character is “sometimes daring”.

20th place


Long shagging and a look that melts: The English Cocker Spaniel is one of the most popular family dogs in Germany, but the smart Brit can look much more than heartbreaking. Its actual area of application is hunting, but the compact four-legged friend is also convincing as a drug dog at train stations or airports. A good nose distinguishes him as well as intelligence, affection and a happy temperament.

19th place


The Shetland Sheepdog – often referred to simply as a Sheltie – is a fine fellow with lots of charm and wit. They long for their masters to be recognized, are enterprising and therefore ideal companions for active people. The Shetland Sheepdog’s urge to move must be taken into account more than with other breeds. “An under-challenged Sheltie is unbearable, so before buying a dog of this breed you should carefully consider whether there will be enough time for active leisure time with the dog in the next few years,” advises the VDH.

18th place


“Hovawart who keeps the yard” – the name of the Hovawart says what the pinscher and schnauzer, up to 70 centimeters tall, can do particularly well: guarding the yard and house. But it is also popular as a family dog, after all, it maintains an intimate relationship with its owners and is a real all-rounder: loving at home, lively outside. His nose also makes him a good service dog.

17th place


The border collie is also a professional at herding. He is characterized by inexhaustible energy and irrepressible zeal. As a family dog, he can also be very affectionate. He always wants to be in action, but does not tend to stray. His lack of hunting instinct also makes him the ideal companion on family outings.

16th place


The Bernese Mountain Dog originally comes from the Swiss canton of Bern. There the distinctive three-colored four-legged friend once watched over the farms, but with his big heart he has long conquered the whole world – especially since he is considered a particularly frugal and uncomplicated family dog. He is attentive, brave, and affectionate. He loves sports and games.

15th place


Love, appreciation and plenty of exercise are particularly important to the long-haired collie. Because he is considered particularly friendly, he is particularly popular with families. But the beauty with the lion’s mane also cuts a fine figure as a sports partner and therapy dog. Collies have a close bond with their owners, and they usually get along well with other dogs as well.

14th place


A Rhodesian Ridgeback has – of course – a ridge on the back: This is the name given to the strip of fur growing against the grain on the back of the lion hunting dog from South Africa – a very bold colleague. From Africa, however, the Rhodesian Ridgeback celebrated a triumph as a spirited family dog. An experienced dog owner is important to the lion hunter. Due to its versatility, it is also used as a guide, guard and police dog.

13th place


The Kleiner Münsterländer is a descendant of the medieval bird dogs and was considered extinct until it was rediscovered in the Münsterland. Today, the dark brown and white hunting dogs are also very popular with families because they are affectionate, lively and cheerful. Due to his strong hunting instinct, keeping it as a family is not always unproblematic.

12th place


Yes, the giant schnauzer is huge, but above all self-confident and full of character. He is just as known for his benign nature as he is for his luscious beard and versatility. He is smart, quick and persistent. As a family dog, it delights young and old, it does its service to the police worldwide – mostly as an explosives and disaster dog. Giant Schnauzers are black or pepper-salt-colored, and their fur requires a special care program.

11th place


The German Shorthaired Pointer is a hunting dog as it stands in the book – and barely missed the top ten most popular dogs in Germany. The VDH describes him as a “fully functional dog with fine manners and skills after the shot”. But the easy-care, short-haired dog also impresses as a family dog. He is very people-related, extremely friendly and affectionate, but must be challenged on a daily basis.

Place 10


The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an English chamois and, according to his name, is actually a cavalier. At home, the little spaniel is calm and inconspicuous, cuddly and affectionate, outside he likes to frolic around eagerly and try to impress others – especially strangers. The sociable Englishman is therefore not a good watchdog, but he does not tend to yap.

9th place


The Great Dane is an XXL dog. Your appearance is characterized by pride, strength and elegance at the same time. Inside lies a friendly and loving being. The Great Dane is reserved towards strangers and very affectionate to its owner. Because it has a high stimulus threshold, the traditional breed up to 80 centimeters tall is considered the perfect family dog.

8th place


Eighth place among the most popular dogs also goes to Germany. The German Boxer convinces as a protection and service dog. Strong nerves, self-confidence, serenity and a balanced nature characterize him. Due to his devoted loyalty, he is especially in great demand as a family dog. He is easy to train, is fun for everyone and can also mutate into a real clown while romping around.

7th place


Family dog, sports companion, rescue dog or even a therapist: The Rottweiler can do everything and is therefore number seven of the most popular dog breeds in Germany. His balanced and calm nature, the stable nerve costume, a high stimulus threshold and the strong physique make the Rottweiler so versatile. The police and the armed forces value him as an explosives, incendiary, narcotics, corpse, tracking and protection dog. It is also used in disaster areas as a debris and avalanche search dog. Because, in addition to all of his abilities, he is also considered sensitive, “Rotti” is also a popular therapy dog.

Rank 6


Of course, the top ten of the most popular German dogs cannot ignore the poodle. The particularly woolly and therefore distinctive four-legged friends from France are available in numerous colors and four different sizes: large poodles (up to 60 centimeters), small poodles (up to 45 centimeters), miniature poodles (up to 35 centimeters) and toy poodles (up to 28 centimeters). They are all passionately committed to their masters and want to give them one thing above all: joy.

5th place


The golden retriever is a real eye-catcher with its shiny gold fur. Like the Rottweiler, it is incredibly versatile: it is irreplaceable in many areas for hunters and police, and it is sunshine for families. His cheerfulness – for example when the outspoken water lover is splashing around – is contagious, his friendliness is unique.

4th place


In fourth place, the same again in black: Like its golden brother, the Labrador Retriever has what is known as will to please, i.e. the innate will to please people. That is why they do everything to please their owners. With his devotion, his cheerful nature and an irrepressible will to work, he manages to do it with left.

place 3


German Wirehaired Pointer is the name of the third most popular dog breed in Germany. Only two other breeds recorded more puppies last year. Most of the bearded four-legged friends are in the hands of the hunters. No wonder: Deutsch Drahthaar is a hunter as he is in the book. They stole self-esteem, but are also considered adorable and even funny. These are qualities with which the handsome worker also scores as a family dog. But be careful: If the high-performance dog is not busy, problems can arise.

place 2


The dachshund – also known as the dachshund or dachshund – is Germany’s second most popular dog. According to the VDH, the excellent hunter has been experiencing a real boom for a few years, especially as a family dog. Because in contrast to many other hunting dog breeds, Dachshunds feel comfortable even without daily work. The dachshund is bright-headed, enterprising and has a distinctive personality: he knows how to assert his thick head. Even with the best upbringing, blind obedience cannot be expected.

1st place


It comes as no surprise: the most popular dog in Germany is the German Shepherd. His attentive nature distinguishes him as a family dog, his versatility is the best prerequisite for use as a service and protection dog – but we have known that since Inspector Rex. The German Shepherd is also convincing as a rescue and therapy dog, as a herding dog anyway. So it’s no wonder that he holds the popularity record with over two million entries in the stud book.



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