Home Fun These are the famous and famous most attractive of the summer 2021

These are the famous and famous most attractive of the summer 2021


Summer is usually the time to get out of our environment and stroll through some places in Spain or outside our borders. Despite the pandemic, this summer 2021 our celebrities have taken advantage, and take advantage of this vacation time to go to places such as the island of Ibiza, Formentera and other privileged environments in our country, or to make trips abroad.

As every year since 2009, the consultancy firm specialized in marketing and image, Personality Media , has drawn up its particular ranking of the most attractive celebrities of the summer that, as usual, always leave us well-known faces among the most beautiful in Spain.


Normally in this type of lists there are usually TV presenters and presenters, actors and actresses and the occasional model that has been among the most attractive in the summer of 2021.

Regarding them, for the second consecutive year the Asturian Lara Álvarez is positioned as the most attractive female face in Spain . The presenter continues to live a sweet moment in her job as one of the most recognizable faces of the reality show ‘Survivientes’ by Telecinco, which this year has once again been the most watched of the network on television.

Behind Álvarez we find television faces, although it is surprising that in second place we find the actress Patricia Montero , less media on television, but very followed through her YouTube channels specialized in yoga.

The presenter Anna Simón closes the top five; the also presenter of ‘El Intermedio’, Sandra Sabatés; and the actress of ‘La que se avecina’, Vanessa Romero.

Models and actors

On the male side there is not much change compared to last summer’s ranking. In this summer of 2021, the model Andrés Velencoso dethrons the actor Jesús Castro from the first place in the ranking. Velencoso is also experiencing a sweet moment in his professional career as a model and as an actor in several successful series this season such as ‘Elite’.

One more year, the actor Miguel Ángel Silvestre is once again among the most attractive in the country, and is in second position on this summer list.

The list of the five most attractive in Spain is also closed by the model and actor, Jon Kortajarena; the Andalusian actor Jesús Castro, who leaves the first place to become the most attractive fourth ; and another ranking classic, actor Mario Casas.



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