Home Economy Financial These are the largest foreign firms within 'The 500'

These are the largest foreign firms within 'The 500'


In 'The 500 most important companies in Mexico', 47% are firms of foreign origin. These 233 companies generated sales of 7.2 billion pesos in 2021, which is equivalent to 35% of the sales accumulated by 'The 500'.

Walmart, General Motors de México and Grupo Financiero BBVA are the three foreign companies with the most sales in Mexico, according to the ranking by Expansión.

Together, these three companies concentrated 1.37 billion pesos in sales during 2021, which represents 19% of the total foreign companies in Mexico.

What are the 15 foreign companies with the most sales in Mexico?

To begin with, the 233 foreign companies with the most sales in Mexico work in 44 sectors of the economy, but only 10 of these concentrate 78.2% of their accumulated sales:

The 15 largest foreign companies concentrate 46% of the sales accumulated by the foreign firms that are part of 'The 500'.

It is important to note that eight of these 15 companies are concentrated in the automotive assembly subsector, an industry that; however, it has had some of its worst months since the covid-19 pandemic. All due to chip shortages and problems with global supply chains.

The second most important sector, within this group, is financial services, with the three largest banks in the country: BBVA (Spain), Citibanamex (United States) and Grupo Financiero Santander México (Spain).

Also noteworthy are the two largest beer-producing groups in the country, Modelo (Belgium) and (Netherlands). Together they sold almost 200,000 million pesos during 2021.



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