Home Fun These are the names that are prohibited in Spain

These are the names that are prohibited in Spain


The choice of the name for a baby is a decision that belongs solely and exclusively to the parents. However, there are times when the Ministry of Justice may intervene since there are several names that are prohibited in Spain , based on article 54 of the Civil Registry Law and article 192 of the Civil Registry Regulations. The objective is none other than to preserve the dignity of minors.

Names with negative connotations

Names that have some kind of negative connotation and in any way threaten the dignity of the minor are strictly prohibited in Spain. In Spain it is not possible to call a baby Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, Judas or Cain .

It is also not allowed to choose names of well-known characters, such as Stalin, as well as to use surnames as a name. Therefore, a baby cannot be named Jordan, Spielberg, or Mercury .


The regulations establish that you cannot put names of fruits: lemon, grapefruit, pear, apple …


You should also avoid the name of commercial brands, such as Nutella, Chanel or Colgate .


Current legislation is very clear in this regard: acronyms are not allowed as names . For example, if the parents are named Carmen and Daniel, they may think it is a good idea to call their son Cardan, but it is not possible.

Simple names

According to article 192 of the Civil Registry Regulations: “No more than two simple names or one compound name may be imposed. When two simple ones are imposed, these will be joined by a hyphen and both will be written with an initial capital letter » . Therefore, a girl can be called María Rosa or Ana Isabel , but she cannot be called Ana María Rosa.

Names between siblings

For its part, article 51 of the Civil Registry Law is clear. “The same name as one of his siblings cannot be imposed on the born , unless he has died, as well as its usual translation into another language .” This means that two brothers cannot be called the same .

Finally, we want to point out which are the trend names in 2021 :

  • Child: Adrián, Enzo, Daniel, Hugo, Izan, Marco, Mario, Joel, Leo, Lucas, Oliver, Nicolás, Samuel and Thiago.
  • Girl: Aitana, Abril, Alma, Chloe, Daniela, Carla, Martina, Noa, Sofía, Valentina, Vera, Vega and Greta.



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