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They discover a new tyrannosaurus

bistahieversor A team of paleontologists has found in New Mexico the remains of Bistahieversor sealeyi , a new species of carnivorous dinosaur related to the popular Tyrannosaurus rex . "It is the first genus and species of tyrannosaurus to be discovered in the last 30 years in North America," says paleontologist Thomas Wiliamson, co-author of the discovery, who publishes the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology .

According to the researchers, the importance of Bistahieversor lies in the fact that it is the palpable proof that the prominent snout and powerful jaws of tyrannosaurs arose around 110 million years ago , after the rise in sea level during the Late Cretaceous period flooded. the central portion of North America, from the Arctic Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico, dividing North America into two halves. Bistahieversor , who lived in the area that today occupies the Bisti / De-na-zin Natural Park, also shows some unique features, such as an opening over his eye, part of the air sac system of the skull, and a keel in the lower jaw. Furthermore, its remains reveal that it had more teeth than its distant relative , the T. Rex .



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