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This is how I feel: the ups and downs of emotions in each trimester of pregnancy and how to deal with them


Pregnancy… that great revolution! Both the process of trying to get pregnant and its arrival involve an emotional roller coaster , a cascade of often intense emotions, both pleasant and unpleasant.

During each trimester, and as the pregnancy progresses, the emotions we experience can vary greatly, for different reasons.

We talk about the ups and downs of these emotions in each trimester of pregnancy, and how to learn to manage them in a positive and healthy way.

Logically, each woman will experience her own emotions , and the processes can be very different from each other; As always, we talk about the most common, but we insist that each pregnancy is unique.

This is how I feel: the ups and downs of emotions in each trimester of pregnancy

First trimester: illusion, emotion, surprise

In the first trimester emotion and illusion predominate. And this is more intense if you have been looking for a pregnancy for a long time, or if it is your first son or daughter. The magic of the first times.

In the case of not having been a wanted or planned pregnancy, surprise may also appear, uncertainty in the face of news that you did not expect.

The first weeks after the confirmation of the pregnancy it is normal to feel a certain fear in case something goes wrong, anguish… And we are talking about a natural fear, especially in the first trimester, that something does not go well, or to suffer a miscarriage .

Thus, they are emotions intrinsic to pregnancy , which arise regardless of whether it has been sought and/or desired or not. However, as the pregnancy progresses and therefore the chance of miscarriage decreases, the fear usually subsides.

On the other hand, if we experience vomiting, nausea and tiredness, something common in the first trimester, these discomforts have psychological repercussions, translating into overwhelm, discomfort…

Second quarter: stability but also doubts

In the second trimester, emotions may become a bit more stable. The increased risk of miscarriage has passed (remember that 1 in 4 women suffer a pregnancy loss during the first trimester of pregnancy), and this can bring us a great sense of relief.

On the other hand, doubts also arise about the process that is approaching in relation to childbirth, the responsibility involved in caring for a child, parenting itself, etc.

Third trimester: nerves and possible fear of childbirth

Finally, the third trimester can be characterized by the enormous desire to get to know our creature, by emotion, nerves, a certain fear of childbirth (with questions such as will everything be alright?).

Doubts and fears also appear about how we want our delivery to be, if, for example, we want a natural and vaginal delivery, we wonder if this will be possible, with the hope and desire that everything will turn out as expected.

How to transit emotions in each trimester of pregnancy?

The most important thing is that you respect and validate your emotions at all times. That you do not try to repress them, but rather find the way in which you feel most comfortable expressing them. Look for your “escape route”, your personal diary to write, your trusted person to talk to.

And share all these emotions with your partner if you feel that this helps you; In addition, it is likely that your partner is also feeling similar things, and in this way you give each other the opportunity to share and improve your communication.

And specifically in each trimester, we give you some recommendations that can help you live your pregnancy serenely, calmly and consciously.

First trimester: let yourself be carried away by the illusion

In this first trimester we encourage you to let yourself be carried away by that illusion and that emotion. Above all, if it was a much desired pregnancy, you will surely feel euphoric. Although that does not mean that fears do not also appear ; if so, welcome them too, give them their space. Fears also play their role.

And if the pregnancy has caught you by surprise, take some time to accept the new reality and to adapt to the changes in your body and mind.

On the subject of the first symptoms, it is normal for you to experience confusion or overwhelm; In these cases, there is a lot of interesting bibliography to prepare for pregnancy and learn more about these types of symptoms, which will allow you to acquire a certain sense of control over your pregnancy. Information empowers!

Second trimester: peace of mind and advice

The second trimester is usually more stable. Allow yourself to enjoy this feeling of tranquility after the stage of greatest risk of miscarriage, which is now behind you.

And if doubts arise in relation to pregnancy, childbirth, etc., seek advice from professionals, do not stay with doubts . Share them. Lean on your midwife, gynecologist…

Third trimester: preparation for childbirth

At this stage it is normal that you are dying to meet your creature. Be patient and continue enjoying your pregnancy (which we hope has been good); It happens very quickly! And then it can happen that you miss your belly.

As for fears about childbirth, try to resolve your doubts with professionals, as in the previous trimester. On the other hand, surely you have been preparing for the arrival of your baby for some time (with childbirth preparation classes, preparing your baby’s room, etc.), but now it’s time to prepare for the closest moment, childbirth, with everything what you need for that day.

Things like: the labor and birth plan, things for the hospital when the due date approaches, etc. Trust yourself, the process and your body. Everything will be fine, and remember that in the face of any complication , you will be well accompanied by professionals.

Photos | Cover (Pexels)



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