Home Living Travel Three good reasons to apply for a second passport

Three good reasons to apply for a second passport


As any seasoned traveler can attest, having a valid passport is the critical first step in seeing the world. The process for obtaining a passport book is simple: fill out the required forms, attach an approved headshot, submit an old passport book (if one is available), and pay the required fees. Thousands of people go through this process to obtain or renew their passport each year. However, the savvy traveler knows that having a second passport can make international travel a much easier process.

Unbeknownst to many, US State Department regulations do not allow American travelers to store two separate and valid passport books at any given time. Although a second passport is only valid for two years, it can help travelers gain access to countries, reduce the risk of getting stuck if a passport is lost, and even allow people to better manage visa processing. For those who travel internationally frequently, or plan to increase their international adventures, here are three good reasons to consider applying for a second passport book.

A duplicate passport can help you access the countries

Although not mentioned often, entering or returning home from politically sensitive countries can be a very difficult process. Those who plan to travel to certain countries in the Middle East (including Pakistan and Saudi Arabia) and have multiple international stamps could be subject to additional questions at Customs based on their travel patterns. Later, having certain passport stamps could make it difficult to visit other countries. For example, an Israeli passport stamp can make it very difficult (if not impossible) to enter Algeria, Indonesia, Malaysia, and the United Arab Emirates.

A valid, duplicate passport book can help travelers skip some of the hassle they might face entering countries or returning home by reducing the large number of stamps and visas in one book. Keeping a duplicate passport book for different plans can help travelers move freely and reduce the difficulty of entering another country based on previous travel plans.

Streamline visa processing with a second passport

Many countries require travelers to secure their visa and travel insurance well before physically entering their destination. Additionally, some nations, including Russia, require travelers to have their travel plans insured before applying for a visa. For those planning regular international travel, having only one passport book could result in travel problems between visa applications.

Keeping a duplicate passport book allows travelers to submit a book for visa processing while maintaining travel plans for other international travel with the second passport. Frequent international travel plans are an acceptable reason to request a second passport book from the Department of State.

For those who don’t fly frequently, other options may present a frugal alternative with the same result. For those traveling between flying and other means of travel (including driving and cruising), a trusted passport or traveler card might be a better alternative. With a lower fee, purchasing a passport card or applying for a Trusted Traveler program can allow travelers to maintain international access between visa applications.

Reduce your risk of getting caught by a lost passport

A common fear of frequent travelers is losing or stealing a passport abroad. While it is possible to request an emergency passport replacement, the process can be difficult and unpleasant to begin with. Furthermore, an emergency passport is only valid for returning to a country of origin, which requires the traveler to apply for a new passport before their next trip.

Those with a second passport book can keep limited travel plans, even if a passport is lost or stolen abroad. While travelers will still need to report their passport as lost or stolen to local authorities and the Department of State, a second passport can help travelers regain their identity after returning home, and even begin the process of applying for a passport. replacement.

While not the right move for every traveler, considering a second passport book can keep travelers moving forward, no matter what the world throws their way. For those who plan to travel abroad frequently, having a duplicate passport can be a great way to keep your travels safe around the world.



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