Home Fun Tips to make going back to work more bearable

Tips to make going back to work more bearable


Returning to work after the summer holidays is always complicated, although it is true that there are people who handle it better than others. The first and foremost thing is planning. As in any other area of life, you must organize to avoid the last minute rush. Take note of the following tips!


Although we all like to take advantage of the summer holidays until the last minute, the return to the routine has to be gradual. No coming home at ten o’clock at night, getting into bed and going to the office the next morning! Take a few days to gradually get used to the “new reality”, adjusting schedules and organizing yourself .

Positive attitude

Surely when you are in the office on more than one occasion you remember how good you were lying on the beach sunbathing. Instead of regretting it, try to think about how much fun you had and how much it has helped you to disconnect from the routine . Try to focus on the positive and enjoy the little things.


If you want to stay motivated, you need to set new goals. The holidays will have served you to recharge your batteries, so it is time to channel all the energy to meet your goals. The best thing is that you set small goals, which you can meet in the short term . In this way, as you get them you will feel much better.

Little whims

Of course, just because you go back to work doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your daily life. Maintain a positive attitude throughout the day and, from time to time, indulge yourself : an ice cream, a walk in the park at sunset …

Healthy life style

And finally, to make going back to work bearable, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle. It is not about dieting after the excesses of summer or spending two hours in the gym every day, but about adopting habits that help you take care of your health and can be maintained over time . Ideally, eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day and exercise three or four days a week.

Putting these tips into practice will surely make getting back into the routine much easier .



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