Home Fun Astrology Today in the first: The last dark police call 110 with Charly...

Today in the first: The last dark police call 110 with Charly Huebner


In Rostock police call 110 “None of us” is not saved on gloom and action. When he leaves, Charly Hübner is still loved.

Rostock – Will Sascha Bukow be a househusband? Difficult to imagine. Does he emigrate to the homeland of his forefathers – but without Katrin König, because she stays in her job? Perhaps. But precisely because Anneke Kim Sarnau will continue to investigate in Rostock (new at her side: Lina Beckmann, wife of Charly Hübner), because König also proposes to her colleague in this last police call 110 episode with Bukow / Hübner, this reviewer taps : He dies. The fact that the NDR cuts off the last 15 minutes of this police call 110 in the ARD’s preview room so that nobody can reveal anything speaks more for it.

But you read that right: The cool Katrin König and the rough – but also passionate – Sascha Bukow, who didn’t seem to like each other for a long time, are thanks to a script by Anika Wangard and Eoin Moore, who also directs “None of Us” leads, another pair. For the application, she even kneels on the gray, unromantic pavement in front of the police headquarters. He accepts your request. The charming Pöschel, Andreas Guenther, asks whether they are “carpool or fuck community”. They kiss demonstratively.

Police call 110 “None of us” on ARD: Love is Sascha’s only bright spot

The love of Katrin is the only bright spot for Sascha in the end. Because everything he thought he was leaving behind plagues him again – hence the title “None of us”, which refers to Hübner’s start with “One of us” (2010).

It plays an ominous role: his (dead) father’s connections to the underworld; his successor Tito has not yet completely given up hope that Sascha “will change to the right side” (that of the crime); then Tito is murdered and believes that Bukow must at least take care of his heavily pregnant girlfriend; and finally Sascha’s archenemy Subocek, Aleksandar Jovanovic with a particularly piercing look, is out of jail. And he turns up in Rostock to take over the legacy of old Bukow with violence and blackmail.

Actress role
Anneke Kim Sarnau Katrin König t
Charly Huebner Alexander Bukov t
Andreas Guenther Anton Poeschel t
Josef Heynert Volker Thiesler t
Uwe Preuss Henning Roeder t
Aleksandar Jovanovic Zoran Subocek t
Bela B. Felsenheimer Jo Mennecke t
Alessija Lause Yvonne Tauber t
Lilith Stangenberg Tabea Titolev t
Alexandru Cirneala Andrei Titolev
Oskar Bökelmann Marlon Lemke t
Sithembile Menck Dora t

Police call 110 (ARD): Darkness and action are not saved when Charly Hübner says goodbye

Neither darkness nor action nor hectic of any other kind is saved for Charly Hübner’s farewell. And not on a gag either: Bela B. Felsenheimer from the punk rock band “Die Ärzte” plays the musician Jo Mennecke, who is giving a concert in Tito’s club when he is murdered. And such a windy, choleric artist type naturally comes under suspicion.

“Police call 110: None of us”, ARD, Sunday, January 9th, 2022, 8:15 pm.

Meanwhile, Pöschel ends up in the waste container during his investigation. As the boss, Uwe Preuss wrinkles his forehead with ever larger wrinkles. And looks appropriately disbelieving when King asks him “like a father” whether Bukow is the right one for her.

And everyone is worried about Sascha. Where is he, why doesn’t he answer, what is he doing? Things are condensing and accelerating. Let’s see, but it can’t really end well. (Sylvia Staude)



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