Home Living Travel Tombs of famous people in the Pacific Northwest

Tombs of famous people in the Pacific Northwest


Would you like to pay your final respects at the graves of the distinguished citizens of the Pacific Northwest? Leave a token to honor people like Jimi Hendrix or Bruce Lee? Taking the time to stop at the tombs of one of the Northwest’s notable citizens is something that visitors and natives alike find worthwhile. Here are the places and details about the final resting place of these famous Northwest dwellers:

Steve Prefontaine
Coos Bay, Oregon is the site of a monument to Steve Prefontaine. Prefontaine, a record-setting medium and long distance runner, was also known and respected for his activism. He died in a car accident at the age of 24.

Henry weinhard
Another notable from Oregon is Henry Weinhard, a 19th-century brewer whose beverage legacy survives even today. His 1904 grave can be visited at Riverview Cemetery in Portland. One more historical figure resting in this cemetery is Virgil Earp , the peacemaker of the Old West. Virgil Earp was buried in 1905.

Bruce Lee, Brandon Lee and the
Seattle’s Lake View Foundizens Citizens Cemetery in Seattle is the final resting place for several well-known Northwest pioneers. This list of Seattle Founding Citizens includes Hiram M. Chittendon, Arthur A. Denny, “Doc” Maynard, Thomas Mercer, John and Hilda Nordstrom, and Henry L. Yesler. Lake View Cemetery is also home to the graves of Bruce Lee and Brandon Lee. The father and son martial artists / actors are next to each other.

Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix’s grave has become a major visitor destination. Devoted fans leave mementos of all kinds at his simple grave in Renton’s Greenwood Memorial Park. Perhaps the most luxurious landmark of all time, the Experience Music Project, Seattle’s new interactive music museum, is a showcase for billionaire Paul Allen’s extensive collection of Hendrix memorabilia and other rock ‘n’ roll artifacts.

Chief Seattle Suquamish’s San Pedro Cemetery is home to a striking memorial to Chief Seattle (Noah Sealth), whose eloquent speech on man’s relationship to Earth is still remembered and repeated today. It was “Doc” Maynard who made the decision to name the city after Chief Seattle.



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