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Traces of life


In the report, women and men tell why they have their wrinkles smoothed out.

The aging process ends in most people in their mid-thirties, but unfortunately only internally; Externally, things are now going downhill more or less rapidly. This can be a problem, especially for attractive women who are used to getting compliments for their good looks, which is why beauty doctors have been enjoying an enormous number of customers for several years; According to the “37 degrees” report on ZDF, Germany is one of the countries in the world with the most cosmetic surgeries.

The demand has by no means decreased during the corona pandemic, on the contrary; Many a person now finally had the time to fulfill a long-cherished wish. Danuta Harrich-Zandberg wanted to find out why so many women, but also more and more men, want to put a stop to the natural course of things. At first she briefly goes into the beauty channels of the various digital platforms, but then it becomes more and more clear: It’s not about the beauty craze. One doctor admits that she certainly does experience patients who come to the practice with a photo of their role models, but most of them have different motives.

“37 degrees: mirror, mirror on the wall” (ZDF): People speak openly about their soul life

As always with “37 degrees”, the openness with which people talk about their soul life is admirable. A woman in her late fifties suffered from depression and survived this phase well thanks to psychotherapy, but doesn’t want anyone to see what she’s been through. A beautician ten years younger feels the same way. In her job, appearance is naturally particularly important; The cancer death of her partner has left traces on her face. But there are also others who just want to look as young as they feel. A single around sixty, whose age cannot be seen, reports on the plans that he and his parents have forged for their third third of life; and then both died far too early. He learned the lesson to enjoy life now.

The author does not question that, her film does not judge. It is not about breast enlargements or similar massive interventions, but about details: here it is bags under the eyes or the wrinkles around the eyes, there the corners of the mouth that move down with age. However, the two Munich doctors who report from their practice also have younger patients. There is basically nothing wrong with the appearance of a woman in her early twenties, as her mother finds, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In addition, the mother came with me to have minor repairs carried out.


For 17 years, Nicole, 46, has been seeing beauty doctor Dr. Treat Leila Frohn.

“37 Degrees” (ZDF) about cosmetic surgery: Some questions remained unanswered

Munich is the German city with the highest per capita density of beauty practices, which is not surprising, since Munich and the surrounding area are also where most of the rich and beautiful live. This social aspect is a little short in the less than thirty minutes long report: Those who cannot afford the expensive treatment have to resort to cheap offers, and this is what the measures often look like; Harrich-Zandberg touches on this aspect at the beginning. It was obviously about something else: The film frees the subject from its flaws.

The term “taboo” that is used is perhaps a bit over the top, but in fact most patients seem to pretend that their supposed resilience is a gift from nature. This also and especially applies to Hollywood stars. Brad Pitt, for example, speculates one of the doctors, owes his good looks at the advanced age of 57 years to more than just measures such as yoga, drinking plenty of water and going to bed early. However, the film does not discuss why people make a secret of it. The question raised at the beginning of when “the pursuit of beauty becomes mad” also remains unanswered.

To the broadcast

“37 degrees: mirror, mirror on the wall”, June 1st, ZDF, 10:15 pm

“37 degrees” (ZDF): patchworking of facades can only whitewash

True beauty, as the saying goes, comes from within anyway. The two doctors are careful not to quote this wisdom, because that would be detrimental to business, but they also make no secret of the fact that the patchwork of the facade can whitewash up what’s wrong behind it: it is by no means the case that after an operation the Dream prince flown. Beauty enhancements could improve well-being in the short term, but in the long term “a certain satisfaction and a good portion of self-confidence” is more important. That should explain why most people accept their wrinkles without complaint.



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