Home Living Travel Traveling in Central America during the rainy season

Traveling in Central America during the rainy season


In most Central American countries, the rainy season occurs from July to September, plus or minus one or two months, depending on the region. Will rain? Absolutely, sometimes, torrentially. Will it get in the way of activities? Sometimes. Will it ruin my vacation? Absolutely not. If you are considering traveling during the Central American rainy season, here are some things to keep in mind.

Take advantage of off-season prices

Travel to Central America is cheaper during the rainy season. Plus, that means far fewer tourists, which can be great when taking in the sights of Central America. Be on the lookout for rainy season discounts, including airfare and hotels.

Plan activities around when it typically rains

Even during the height of the rainy season in Central America, it rarely rains all day. Different regions vary, but typically, storms tend to roll during the afternoon and evening, often raining at night.

Plan outdoor activities on sunny mornings. Don’t make the mistake of heading to a remote location before a storm, as you could get trapped. For example, if you are somewhere isolated, swollen streams can cover the roads back to civilization. You may have to wait in the storm until the rains stop.

When the afternoon rain hits, take advantage of this downtime by taking a nap, reading, getting a spa treatment, or just relaxing in general. After all, you are on vacation and you need time to recharge.

Pack the right gear

Expect rain, so pack wisely. Depending on where you are, the rains can be warm or cold. You’ll want a jacket and shoes that can withstand the rain and mud. Bring several collapsible plastic ponchos to wrap around you and your backpack, because you never know when you’ll have to walk a few blocks in the rain. Other takeout items include a book to read when it’s raining, plastic bags for electronics, mosquito repellent and net, a waterproof flashlight, and batteries.

Beware of the green season

In Central America, the rainy season is also known as the “green season” because the landscape is much more lush than in the drier months. You will see the jungle and canopies in full bloom this time of year.

Watch out for hurricane season

The rainy season is one thing, but the hurricane season is another. If you are traveling to the hurricane-prone region of Central America, such as the Caribbean coasts of Belize and Honduras, keep an eye on the news and heed any storm warnings.

Be flexible

You can’t control the weather, so you’ll need to stay flexible. Always have a backup activity to make the most of your time here.

To avoid flight delays, schedule arrivals and departures for the morning or late at night. Other transportation issues to anticipate are flooded roads and ferry or bus delays or even cancellations.

Consider buying travel insurance

If you are especially concerned about the rain affecting your trip, consider purchasing travel insurance before you go. Actually, travel insurance is a good idea when traveling internationally. Make sure your insurance covers both medical emergencies and any electronic devices in case they get wet.

Take health precautions

Mosquitoes are always a concern in Central America. These pesky critters can spread dengue fever, yellow fever, and Zika. Wear DEET spray, mosquito repellent armbands, and long-sleeved shirts and pants to cover your skin. Also be sure to get vaccinated before you leave and bring evidence to show officials when entering countries.

Wet or dry season, rain or shine, traveling in Central America is incredible. Don’t let the rain dampen your adventures.



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