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Twitter is already testing a button to edit posts


While Twitter is engaged in a legal battle against Elon Musk, the social network is undergoing important changes and one of the most recent is that it is already testing the function of editing tweets, something that a large number of users had requested, but for which they will have to pay the subscription to Twitter Blue.

The feature is currently in an “internal testing” period, but it is expected to be available to some subscribers by the end of the month, who will find themselves with a tool where each post will have a linked edit history so all users know that it is not the original message and they can consult it.

“Tweets may be edited multiple times within 30 minutes of posting,” says one. “Edited tweets will appear with an icon, timestamp, and label so readers can clearly see that the original tweet has been edited.”

According to the company, this testing period is being carried out with small groups to detect any type of problem that may arise with the tool. “This includes how people can misuse the feature. You can never be too careful,” the company says.

The platform detailed that when its internal test period is over, the function will go to a second stage, where it will only be available in a single country to learn how people use it in a real and less controlled environment.

This has been one of the most requested features for Twitter throughout its history. In April of this year, it generated a lot of controversy, because the company published that they were working on the tool, but said that it was an April Fool’s Day joke.

After Elon Musk became the largest shareholder in the company, acquiring 9.2% of it, he polled his 80 million followers about whether they would like to add a button to edit tweets after publishing them. He did win, but it generated a lot of controversy.

And it is that although it is a requested tool since the social network was launched in 2006, its possible uses have been criticized, because they leave the door open for users to change the meaning of their publications after they are published. shared thousands of times.

Even the former CEO and co-founder of the company, Jack Dorsey, was clear and forceful with his refusal to add this option on the platform, something that does not seem to have an impact on the current direction of Twitter.

It is worth mentioning that the subscription service, Twitter Blue, recently raised its price from $2.99 to $4.99 per month and has features such as undoing tweets before sending them, customizable navigation bars and NFT profile photos, among others.

Although the company will fulfill one of the greatest wishes of users, it must be vigilant against malicious uses of the tool. It should be remembered that in April of this year Alex Stamo, former director of security at Meta, revealed a scam where the function of editing posts on Facebook was used to trick people.



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