Home Economy Union make force

Union make force


(Expansión) – A few days ago, the First Congress of Financial Education was held, organized by the Association of Banks of Mexico, which brings together most of the financial institutions that make up the system, under the name, Take control of your finances! Without a doubt, it was a great example of the popular saying: unity is strength.

The idea arises from a fundamental and common issue on the agenda of the entities, promoting financial education to achieve bankarization of more people. Although in our country the gap is significant, little by little the importance of having better control of personal finances is being demonstrated to trigger greater well-being and, therefore, greater economic growth.

This Congress had a very robust program, addressing issues from the perspectives of authorities such as Condusef, in which I share and ratify what its president, Óscar Rosado, said about being aware of financial stress; I would add that it can become a recurring problem if we do not insist on the responsibility of having healthy finances and avoiding having a serious problem with debt.

Lessons from the best practices in the world were included, about what has been developed in our country and where we seek to lead the work for the benefit of Mexico, in particular, the importance of raising awareness of establishing a better relationship with our finances. Healthy finances represent having stability and by having it, we can make better use of available resources avoiding making hasty or irresponsible decisions.

The session of the first congress continued analyzing the different experiences of the users, personally I took many topics for reflection, the perspectives are so different and the audiences diverse. I thought about the importance of talking about money with children from an early age in order to include them in the world of finance, help them establish savings plans and teach them about the tools that the sector offers them.

In that same panel, inclusion for the elderly was addressed, in particular we must be more sensitive to help them safely use the increasingly growing digital channels, from electronic banking, applications, to ATMs. This, in addition to offering an inclusive perspective, will help prevent fraud perpetrated, generally, by unscrupulous people who abuse the trust of older adults.

On the other hand, inclusion must also be a fundamental element, particularly for women, to whom we must offer products and services designed for them, to help them achieve their dreams and goals, considering the promotion of entrepreneurship and business, detonators of economic activity, which are very necessary today.

Undoubtedly, great challenges were exposed, to which the bank is offering complete solutions, it takes time and trust to get more and more people banked, here we go; the foundations to achieve it must be built on financial education that allows achieving what I constantly call financial freedom.

Unity is strength, this first congress is an example of everything that can be achieved when you have a common goal, attainable goals and a very committed team. I would like to close this collaboration, congratulating the entire work team that contributed all their talent, dedication and enthusiasm to make this event a complete success, personally, it is a pleasure and it is very fun to work with you with a single goal, promote financial education in Mexico.

Editor’s note: Adolfo Ruiz Guzmán is a graduate of the Bachelor of Communication Sciences and the MBA from the Universidad Anáhuac México Campus Sur, has different certifications and specialties, among them, Investment Strategies Advisor by the AMIB, by the IORTV in Spain and Harvard Business School; in addition to being an aviator pilot by the AIRE School. He currently works as Director of Communication and Public Relations of Grupo Financiero B×+, national and international speaker. He has a 13-year career in communication in the financial sector and promoter of the creation of financial culture in our country. Follow him on . The opinions published in this column belong exclusively to the author.



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