Home News Vaccinated and recovered – In which states you are considered boosted

Vaccinated and recovered – In which states you are considered boosted


The corona rules between the federal states differ massively. This also becomes clear when it comes to booster status.

Frankfurt – For some time now, citizens in Germany have been asked to get boosters. According to data from the Federal Ministry of Health, 39.2 million people (47.1 percent of the population) have received their third corona vaccination so far. The booster vaccination plays a decisive role in relation to the relaxation of the corona virus in Germany.

At the last Corona summit, for example, a nationwide 2G Plus regulation for the catering trade was decided. Wherever 2G-Plus applies, guests must be vaccinated twice or have recovered and also be tested negative. An exception applies to those who have been boosted. You are exempt from the test requirement. But who is actually considered boosted? The regulations and statutes of the federal states differ on this point – an overview.

Corona vaccination: when did you get a boost? State regulations at a glance

  • Bavaria: In Bavaria, a booster vaccination immediately after the third vaccination frees you from the obligation to test for 2G-Plus. In addition to those who have been vaccinated three times, people who have been vaccinated twice in addition to the corona infection are also exempt from this – in other words: those who have recovered with a double vaccination. The time of infection and vaccination is independent of this.
  • Baden-Württemberg: Anyone who has been vaccinated three times against the corona virus is considered boosted in Baden-Württemberg. This also applies to people who have received two corona vaccinations and have previously or subsequently been infected with Sars-CoV-2. The condition for this, however, is that the basic immunization or the recovery was not more than three months ago.
  • Berlin: In the capital, only people with a third corona vaccination are considered boosted. You are exempt from the test obligation with 2G-Plus. Those who have recovered must present a negative test despite having been vaccinated twice.
  • Brandenburg: The same rules apply in Brandenburg as in Berlin. Only those who have been vaccinated three times are considered boosted, while those who have recovered twice are not.
  • Bremen: In Bremen, persons who have been vaccinated twice and whose second vaccination was not older than three months are exempt from the 2G-Plus test requirement. In addition, people who have received a third vaccination are exempt from the Corona rule. Recovered people who have had an infection with Sars-CoV-2 in the last three months are also exempt from the test requirement.
  • Hamburg: Anyone who is considered recovered after two vaccinations is also considered boosted in Hamburg. According to the Senate, this is comparable to a third corona vaccination. This means that those who have recovered twice in Hamburg are exempt from the test requirement with 2G-Plus.
  • Hesse: In Hesse, those who have been vaccinated twice with a negative test, those who have recovered who have tested negative, those who have recovered three times and those who have been vaccinated twice have access to gastronomy in the 2G Plus model.
  • Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, only those who have been vaccinated three times are considered boosted.
  • North Rhine-Westphalia: In NRW, in addition to those who have been vaccinated three times, those who have recovered twice are also considered to have been boosted.
  • Lower Saxony: In Lower Saxony, as in NRW, there is an exception for breakthrough infections. Doubly vaccinated people who subsequently become infected are also considered boosted there and do not have to show a negative test with 2G-Plus.
  • Rhineland-Palatinate: For vaccinated people who have recovered, there is also an exception to the mandatory test for 2G-Plus in RLP.
  • Saxony: The same applies in Saxony. There, those who have recovered twice and those who have been vaccinated three times are also recognized as “naturally boosted” – and are exempt from the obligation to be tested.
  • Saarland: In Saarland, too, the Corona rule applies that not only those who have been vaccinated three times are considered boosted, but also those who have recovered twice.
  • Saxony-Anhalt: In Saxony-Anhalt, on the other hand, a completely different regulation applies. There, both triple-vaccinated and double-vaccinated convalescents must show a negative test in order to be able to visit a restaurant, for example. In other words, only those who tested negative are considered boosted, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated twice or three times or have recovered.
  • Schleswig-Holstein: In Schleswig-Holstein, those who have recovered twice are not considered to have been boosted. You have to show a negative test compared to the three times vaccinated.
  • Thuringia: The same applies in Thuringia. There, too, only those who have been vaccinated three times are considered boosted.

At a conference on Monday (17 January 2022) , the health ministers discussed, among other things, general vaccination requirements for Germany and the fourth vaccination. (do with dpa/AFP/rtr)



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