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Videogames are the formula one of digital content

emtech-videojuegos?Thevideo gameAre digital content formula one ?, assured Ignacio Pérez Dolset, co-president of Grupo Zed, a multinational of Spanish origin dedicated to multiplatform digital entertainment. In his presentation during the table dedicated to? The future of videogames? At the EmTech Spain conference held on October 26 and 27 in Malaga, Pérez Dolset stressed that most of the innovation and interfaces developed in the field of new technologies have their origin in video game technologies. “Steve Jobs himself was a fanatic of video games; the iPhone would be unimaginable without the advances brought by video games,” reflected the expert.

Among the highlights of the? Golden age? that, according to Pérez Dolset, video games are currently going through, highlights the success of social games through platforms such as Facebook, in addition to the consoles they usemotion sensors, like the Nintendo Wii, which have allowed “to develop new ways of playing and attract new players.” But what will happen in the future? His prognosis is that video games will have an increasingly important presence in our daily lives. We could evenpredict that there will be one? gamification of everyday life?, with new applications in health, construction, transportation, education? In short, in the future? We will live playing ?.

Fewer sequelae and more innovation

For his part, Philip Tan, Singapore-MIT GAMBIT Game Lab executive director, who also participated in the event, sees the present and the future of video game developers a bit black. According to the experienced researcher, the problem in this industry is that the people who make video games “tend to burn themselves out and go to another sector very soon.” That’s why, Tan says, video games are so similar to each other, “and users notice it.” And also for the same reason,?eight out of ten of the best games in history have been sequels, second parts of others that were successful ?. Tan insists that “innovation is lacking because we fail to retain talented experts.”

If the human resources problem can be solved, Philip Tan predicts thatthe video games of the future can be played over and over againbecause they will change continuously, thanks to the use of artificial intelligence. Furthermore,? The interfaces of the future will have toconnect minds with other minds, and not minds with machines ?, he predicts. And he advocates variety:? Users should have such a variety of options when playing games that they can decide when to incorporate it into their? Busy? “Lives, whether it’s on the way to work, cooking, at the gym or in the shower. yes, according to Philip Tan, always bearing in mind that “we will never be able to compete with real life using graphics.”




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